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So pilot season is still a relatively new thing for me--still working out the kinks if you will--but this is roughly the metric I've been using to review the reception of the comics. Apologies if the ham-fisted math hurts your head:

[(#of Very interested x 2) + (# of Interested x 1) + (# of neither interested nor uninterested x .5) + (# of uninterested x -1) + (# of very uninterested x -2) / total number of votes] x (# of likes x .1).

The goal here is to balance a per capita view of the comics (maybe there was a reason not as many people took part in the time-bound voting) with overall interest (likes can occur at any point). While I am sure there are more efficient ways to handle this--and I appreciate that you're all engaged in this process--this seems the fairest to me, so it's what I'm committing to this year. There's only so much math I can come up with, and this seems to work. Even without the Like Bonus multiplier, the rankings roughly come out the same. Maybe next year we'll come up with something different.

So what does this mean? We're two months in and here are the results:

Family Drama

1. Home for the Holidays (227)

2. Super-Sized Sleepover (209)

3. Wield the Sword (94)

4. Freshman 15 (71)

Best Friend/Crush

1. Friends Share (198)

2. Fitting In (174)

3. Summer Camp (120)

4. BEauty Spa (67)

These are all generally what I've felt from gut reactions as they published, it's just a little more quantitative. I hope this gives from transparency and weight to your votes and Likes.

One last thing. I think unless a story absolutely bombs, you will see it appear on this site in some form, so if a story you like didn't make it into the top two of its category, don't worry. It's just might not take priority.


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