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Scene 1: The dorm was abuzz with end of year jitters. Ken and his roommates were plotting ways to prank the administration before they left when he heard a knock on the door. 

"Hi ya sweetie, hope you don't mind I wanted to pop in and see if you needed help with your move." Hearing his mom's voice his heart sank, realizing it wasn't the cute girls from down the hall. Looking over he hoped to see one of the cute girls from the down hall, but instead his brain locked up for a moment as he tried to process. Wearing nothing but short-shorts and a training top was...his mother? Harder yet to swallow though was the fact that every inch of her was now chiseled muscle. For a brief moment he wondered if the reason she wore short shorts was because her quads would have torn through any decent clothing. He glowered, realizing his roommate was equally--though for a different reason--speechless. But his mom acted like nothing was the matter--like she wasn't some musclebound hulk!-- and just prattled on about parking spots and getting home in time to make him his favorite dinner. Sheepishly Ken looked around the room, realizing he hadn't packed at all. But his beefy mom didn't even seem to register as she hefted a chair onto her shoulder, sliding out through the door without another word.

"Dude...?" his roommate finally exhaled. Ken wasn't sure what was going on, but he had a feeling it was going to be a long summer.

Scene 2: They had only been home a few days, but Ken barely recognized the house. His mom had always been a clean freak, but now everything was pristine as if she were now the energizer bunny. All the junk food in the house had disappeared. And strangest of all what the mysterious supplement his mother took.

"It's just some vitamins to help old ladies like me keep up with their kids. They wouldn't have prescribed it to me if it weren't safe! Plus I've never felt better. I even managed to pull out your weight set from the garage and use it a few times. Remember how much fun we had working out together before you went off to school?" Her nonchalant response couldn't hide her hesitancy every time he got near the pills though. She had an almost possessive focus on them, though she never broke her warm smile. The one time Ken managed to read the back label there were so many long, scientific words Ken, but he managed to write them down to search for later. What he found was unnerving: experimental, human growth hormone, hypertrophy...but then again he'd never seen his mom happier. So what if she'd put on a little muscle, if the doctor's had prescribed it, it had to be safe right?

Scene 3: It didn't take long for Ken to try to get back into a workout routine. Despite his mom's gentle insistence,  he always tried to workout when she was otherwise occupied for fear of what comparing their weight and reps might do to his ego. But when the inevitable day came that their schedules crossed, it was even worse than Ken had expected. She didn't belittle him or tell him how weak he was compared to her. It was like she didn't even realize how big she'd become. She was worried about him, as if he was the abnormal one. Ken couldn't find the right words to describe why that was wrong to his towering mother...for she had also been getting taller too! Ken needed to get to the bottom of this, he wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. Setting his tiny weights next to her Olympic barbell alone was humiliating enough, but to have his muscle mom worrying about him was going to drive him crazy.

Scene 4: It had been a long day to say the least. Her son had finally agreed to workout with her, and she might have overdone it. She wanted to impress him after all! It had been such a fun bonding experience before he went to college but now he was always avoiding her. At first she'd thought he was worried she couldn't keep up with him, but that hadn't been the case at all. She pushed the thought from her mind, trying to relax in the tub, yet having trouble finding a good position. It was almost as if the tub had shrunk. She frowned realizing there wasn't nearly enough water in the tub now that she'd gotten in. What was going on with this? And then there were her muscles. They felt like they had been straining all day, finally sighing with relief now that she'd stepped into the bath. She was exhausted for the first time in month. Maybe that meant she'd need to up her dosage of the supplement?




Really loved this! Can't wait to see her grow.