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So this week in my writing escapades we have a full comic script that I did for Botcomics, but it was put on hold as they process previous stories--they didn't want to start something new with so many open chapters. For those of you who haven't read "Stranger Than Fiction" or my continuation of the series over at Botcomics, you absolutely need to. I know I'm biased, but it is truly one of the my favorite things I've written. Check it out! With that said, what I'd love to hear from folks is, should I make this a comic myself or wait for the editorial backlog to ease up and do it with the original 2D artist (who is incredible).

Stranger than Fiction: Nerdy Nightmare #1



The characters are initially seen on the last page of the previous chapter (REFERENCE: https://i.imgur.com/Db5L8br.png), but there are a few tweaks to character design. The physiques shown on that panel/page are after their transformation begins. All characters initially start out a lot scrawnier.

  • initially is a tall (5'10) but scrawny Indian freshman in college. She has long black hair that sweeps over her shoulder. As she transforms she grows even taller, eventually leveling out at 7'6. More than her height though, she packs on some serious muscle—even surpassing the musculature and bulk of  her barbarian tabletop character
  • Shyla's barbarian avatar in the tabletop game is 7'6 and rippling with muscles befitting a barbarian who had fought their entire life. There are scars on her body and her hair is bound in a thick ponytail down her back. She wears leathers and fur that show off her physique but don't objectify her.


  • initially average height and build, on the slightly heavier side but with B cup breasts. She looks a bit like Caroline Forbes from the Vampire Diaries (REFERENCE: https://i.imgur.com/vMHvUhs.jpg). A cute and confident girl next door vibe. As she transforms she becomes more attractive and shapely, but the primary shift is her breasts become absolutely massive. Unlike Shyla, however, she doesn't grow any taller. Her breasts are even more unwieldy by their maximum size than those of her avatar
  • Willow's tabletop avatar is a cleric (REFERENCE: https://i.imgur.com/1pKrLmH.jpg). She dresses like a priestess with a long dress and hood but cut off sleeves. She has an athletic figure and nice ass, but the primary focus is on her massive breasts, which are just barely manageable.


  • A little bit taller than Alex, he has wavy, short, light brown hair. Initially he wears glasses and doesn't have much muscularity to him. As Parker transforms he becomes almost exactly like his tabletop avatar, except he also has huge penis
  • Parker's tabletop avatar is that of a rakish pirate—he's taller, well-muscled, stronger chin and facial hair stubble. He loses the glasses and his hair is pulled back into a small ponytail (REFERENCE: https://i.imgur.com/wLlTZBa.jpg)


  • Alex starts out around 5'6 without much of a figure. She's a bit quirky, she wears baggy clothes and has a wavy, asymetrical haircut. She has big green eyes and a rounded nose (REFERENCE: https://i.imgur.com/icWcNID.jpg). Her transformation is into a 30 foot tall feral giantess. She puts on a bit of mass, but not muscularity in the same way as Shyla—her hips and thighs grow wider as do her shoulders, her breasts fill out to F cups. As a giantess her hair grows wild.
  • As her powers grow her eyes shift from regular green to a fierce emerald green.


This takes place in Selena's university as well as a high-fantasy setting. We see Parker's apartment, which is in a basement with a short stairway leading to a back alley. We also see Alex, Willow, and Shyla's dorm room, moderately sized and messy for three girls living together. The high fantasy setting is primarily in the Giant's throne room or grand dining hall. It has gothic vaulted ceilings and everything is proportioned for a giant to live there.

Selena's powers have awakened a few more Author's on campus. One of whom is Alex, an avid tabletop game master and fantasy lover. But soon her world begins to spin out of control as she has difficulty differentiating fantasy from reality. As her powers progress, her once shrimp friend is turning into a buff barbarian, her flat-chested bestie is now a buxom babe, and her crush has turned into a bit of a Lothario. Worst of all, as her powers spiral, she might be bringing a true giantess into the world, ready to wreck havoc. For someone used to being in complete control, Alex is about to find out what it means to really cut loose and grow into your new self.


Alex looms behind the Game Master screen in her giantess form, she has a wicked grin on her face. Her nipples are covered by the screen, but otherwise she is naked. Both hands clamp down on the screen as if she is climbing over it. In the foreground we see Willow, Shyla, and Parker in their tabletop avatar forms with their backs to the reader—though visible enough to show off their assets—looking up in terror at Alex.

PAGE 1–3 panels
Panel 1
The largest panel. We are coming in mid-action. We open on a sweeping and cinematic, high fantasy scene. The adventurers are in a Grand Hall/Dining Room of a 30 foot tall giant. The giant has a rugged sexiness to him and wears pants but no shirt. All the characters are in their Fantasy form. Shyla flies through the air screaming, wielding two battleaxe on a trajectory for the giant’s head. Meanwhile, Willow from the ground is casting a spell. She has her hands propped under her bust in a prayer position, which only serves to accentuate her breasts. Sparkles swirl around her. Locked in one of the giant’s fists, Parker is about to be catapulted towards Willow on the ground. The sparkles of Willows spell are also surrounding Parker. The captions are the same emerald color as the Alex’s energy on the next page.

“Fierce Barbarian Shyla launches into the air, just as the giant tosses Parker...”

Panel 2
A close shot of Parker on the ground, bruised and battered, but for the most part all right. He’s sitting up, holding his head with a cocky grin on his face. He is looking up to Willow. Willow stands over him, hinging at the hips. She has one hand on her thigh and the other is gracefully reaching out to help Parker up. She smiles cutely with her eyes closed.

You all right?

You can use healing hands on me any day.

“Ehem...As I was saying, Willow’s spell cushions most of the damage from the fall.”

Panel 3
In the background part of the giant’s body lies, enough that we know the giant has been felled, but not enough that it is gruesome in any fashion. The view faces Shyla with the felled giant behind her. She has one axe in her hand, limply at her side, while the other is resting across her shoulder. She’s pretty beaten up, but she smiles dumbly like the Herbo (REFERENCE) that she is. Willow and Parker holding hands as Parker rises to his feet, looking shocked and nervous above and beyond Shyla’s head. The SFX comes from within the darkness of the hall beyond their vision. The barest silhouette of a giantess even larger than the giant they just slayed begins to emerge from the shadows—but we are not able to see any discernible facial features.


We did it, we won! Uh, guys, why the long face?

Wh-what’s that noise?

“As you cheer, a low rumble emerges from within the Giant’s keep. Something big is coming your way—“

PAGE 2 –4 panels
Panel 1
Back in the real world—in a rundown basement dorm room. The gang sits around a table. The room is a bit of a mess with an empty pizza box and clothes lying around the room. The gang is back to normal/non-fantasy forms. Alex is behind a Alex sheet, she has jumped up and slammed her book shut. She laughs with glee. Shyla is wearing Jean overalls, she throws up her hands in exasperation. Parker slumps onto the table, his face buried in his arms. Only Willow has a cute smile on her face as she watches Parker. She bites her lower lip like she has a secret she’s holding back.

—but that’s for next session, the* Giant’s Queen*!

Oh come on!

Fine, fine. You all are such babies. You all—

Panel 2
A close shot of just Alex. The room has grown dim around her. A swirling emerald energy is the only light source. It is circling around her, slithering up her hands like snakes. Her eyes flash with the same emerald energy. Her face is vacant, mouth slightly open as her body absorbs the energy. The caption is the color typically associated with Selena.

—level up. Woah!

Spending your nights in a fantasy world, but what happens when the fantasy enters yours?

Panel 3
Back looking at the table. Shyla is doing a double bicep curl, smirking. They are body builder muscular yet, but she is 20% of the way towards the muscularity of her tabletop character. She’s also hopped up a half a foot taller, now easily 6 feet tall. Willow teasingly pokes at Shyla’s biceps. In a similar fashion, Willow breasts are 20% the size of her massively-busted tabletop character. Both Shyla and Willow’s clothes have grown to accommodate them, as if they have always been that size. Alex shakes her head in confusion. The lasts wisps of the emerald energy are slinking away, disappearing into the night.

Add two points to Strength!

Always thinking about the bod, aren’t you?

ALEX (though)
Were Shyla’s biceps always that big?

Panel 4
They are outside, walking up stairs to the street from the basement apartment. The door to the apartment is still open. It is evening and there is a light above the doorway. Willow is in the background waving as she heads down a back alley. Parker has caught the Alex’s wrist, she is a step above him. Parker has a worried and vulnerable expression. He is going out on a limb and is worried about the consequences. Alex blushes, not fully able to process her feelings for him.

Can you help me figure my character sheet, maybe we have a study-date?

A date, I mean study-date. Of course!

Alex hurry up already!

PAGE 3–4 panels
Panel 1
Alex is walking down the back alley, she scowls having been caught daydreaming. Faint sparkles of emerald energy surround her head. Shyla is walking up behind her. Alex playfully punches Shyla’s arm. Shyla’s arms are crossed, showing off her forearms, biceps and shoulders. Shyla cocks and eyebrows, looking down at her friend with a disapproving glance—she’s worried but supportive of her friend’s decisions.

A datehuh? Didn’t you teammate relationships were bad news.

It’s a study date! And you don’t have the DEX stat to snoop like that!

Panel 2
Willow and Shyla are coming to the entrance of a well-lit dormitory. They are walking towards the doorway as a tall attractive girl walks out. Noticeably, emerald green energy swirls around the girl’s breasts—they are in the process of swelling to F cups, though no one notices the change. Willow twirls her hair absentmindedly, smiling fondly. Her breasts are now easily E cups, while Shyla hasn’t bulked up any further but now sports C cup breasts. Shyla just shakes her head, disappointed by Willows comments.

He is cute.

I love him at our table, but he’s a bit of a player.

Panel 3
Now in Alex, Willow, and Shyla’s dorm—much nicer and neater than Parker’s. The view looks towards Shyla with her as the focus. Alex has her hand on the doorknob to the room, the other hand is up as she shakes her hand, pointer finger extended. Alex scowls at Shyla. Shyla is further into the room, her back facing Alex. One of Shyla’s overall straps is off, while Shyla is working on undoing the other one as well. Shyla looks exasperated, unwilling to fight her friend on an argument she knows she’ll lose due to Alex’s crush on Parker. Willow is behind Alex, she has her hands on her lower back, arching her back to show off her now G cup breasts, she looks sore and tired. The caption is in Alex’s emerald green.

Our Parker, a player?

Look, I just know what folks on the team say.

What team? Had Shyla always been that tall?

Panel 4
Shyla stands in front of a steaming shower, the door to the main room open. Her overalls have been rolled down to her waist. Shyla is in the process of pulling her shirt over her head. The act exposes her abs and bra-covered breasts. She is now at the 40% parity point with her tabletop character. Emerald energy sparkles around her waist. Alex’s emerald caption

I can protect you from lots of things, but not a broken heart.

Or that buff for that matter? What was going on?!

PAGE 4–4 panels
Panel 1
In their bedroom with the lights off. Shyla and Alex sleep in a bunk bed. Shyla is sprawled out on the bottom bunk. The covers are tangled mess and barely cover her. She wears boyshorts and a tank top with spaghetti straps that shoes off most of her midriff. Her hair is a mess and her mouth is open as she snores, sound asleep. On the top bunk is Alex, who is also asleep but sleeps much more fitfully. Alex wears a long and baggy T-shirt that could practically work as a dress. The shirt has some fantasy elements on it. She scrunches her eyes, scowling as if she is being chased. Emerald green energy crackles around her.

No...I’m not ready...

Panel 2
In a dreamscape. From Alex's POV. She is floating in space—blackness and stars behind her. She turns to face Selena, who is a few yards away. Alex is reaching out her arm and we see emerald tendrils of energy are lacing down her arm and crackling wildly. Selena, similarly floating in space, is surrounded by her own colored energy. Selena grits her teeth, reaching out her hand towards Alex.

Warn me...before it’s too late!

Panel 3
Smallest panel. Alex jerks awake in her bed, gasping for air with a hand to her chest. Her irises have turned an emerald green, though not charged with energy.

Just a dream, phew! Shyla? Willow?

Panel 4
Alex is holding her cellphone in her hands as she stands in front of a desk with a football trophy on it. She is only partially on panel. The room has changed since the first panel of this page: plastered on the wall is a banner for GCU football, but also—and taking up the prominent focus of the panel is a large poster of Shyla, Willow, and Alex at the beach. The transformation for Willow and Shyla has progressed, they are about 50% the size of their tabletop characters. In the photo They are all wearing bathing suits: Willow wears a string bikini, Shyla wears an outfit reminiscent of the 1950s (REFERENCE: https://i.imgur.com/NPpDyiw.jpg), and Alex wears a sleek, swimmer's one piece. They are in knee high water for Shyla, which is much deeper for Alex. Shyla has Willow slung over one of her shoulders, though the pose shows off Willows ass and breasts, which are practically falling out of her bikini top. Alex is in the process of splashing Shyla. Shyla has a hand up defending herself from the water. Everyone is laughing and having a great time. Alex scrunches her eyebrows as she reads it.

“Don’t forget my big game is today at GCU stadium.” What is Shyla talking about?

PAGE 5– 4 panels
Panel 1
Willow and Parker are inside the football stadium, tucked away in some corner. Willow is wearing a cheerleader outfit with a skirt that somehow manages to fit her perfectly, despite her bust size. Willow leans her back against a wall. Parker rests his forearm on the wall above her, while playing with her bangs with his other hand. Their eyes are locked, love gushing from both of them.

She’s late as usual. Let’s finish what we started this morning?

Naughty boy.

Panel 2
Parker and Willow are making out fiercely, they are both now as 60% of their tabletop character’s form. Parker is kissing down Willow’s neck while massaging her breast over her uniform. His other hand is snaking under her skirt to begin fingering her. Willow bites Parker’s ear, her hands wrapped around his back. Caption is Alex’s emerald green.

I shouldn’t have watched. I know it was wrong.

Panel 3
Willow and Parker are now at 100% parity with their tabletop characters. Willow’s top is off as Parker sucks on her massive nipples. Willow has a hand on his head locking him in place. Willow looks up to the sky, eyes closed as she moans.

I need your fat cock Parker. Please!

Downside to being Game Master is you needto know everything.

Panel 4
Willow and Parker are in the foreground. Willow is on her knees, enveloping Parker’s foot long cock with her massive breasts. Parker’s cock sticks out the top of Willow’s breasts, ready for a blowjob as well. The scene cuts off before we see Parker’s face—just enough of him to be clear it’s him. In the mid/background we see Alex. She has turned the corner, starring blankly at her two friends. Willow turns her head to face Alex, she has been caught by surprise, realization of her betrayal washing over her face.

Whether you want to or not.

How could you?

PAGE 6–4 panels
Panel 1
In the foreground, Alex rushes off, hot tears running down her face. Parker scrambles after her, pants by his ankles. His hand is outstretched to grab her shoulder, but she’s out of reach. Willow scrambles to cover her body with her discarded clothes, but her breast flesh is sneaking out behind her attempts at every turn, including one of her nipples.

Wait! You don’t understand!

I understand perfectly, and I’ve waited long enough!

Panel 2
Alex is alone now, she leans against the wall outside the stadium. Her backpack is open on the ground, unzipped. She has her notebook in her hands, she is tearing pages from it. Her eyes are welling with tears. She is now roughly 6 feet tall and growing. Her breasts have jumped up a cup size—now in the C cup range. Unlike Willow and Shyla, her clothes do not accommodate her growth and are tearing.

What is going on? Did my stupid game make them change somehow?!

Panel 3
Now easily 12 feet tall, her clothes are in tatters. She has a crumpled notebook in a fist down at her side, while her other hand is in a fish smashing into the wall she was leaning on. Cracks have emerged, radiating out from her fist. Her face has turned from sadness, to anger as she stares in awe at her fist and the damage it did. Her hair has grown down to her shoulders and is growing wild and wavy. Her breasts are in the E cup range, her bra is struggled to survive, barely holding on as her flesh overflows her cups.

No, the game isn’t stupid, they are!

Panel 4
Now 30 feet tall, Alex has transformed into a full raging giantess, reminiscent of the silhouetted giantess from the first page. The building she was leaning against is there for size comparison. It’s roof comes up to her bust level. She has her hands overhead, fists balled and readying to smash down the entire wall.

They ruined everything!

PAGE 7–3 panels
Panel 1
On the football field, Shyla is in an American football uniform. She is certainly buff and bulky, but there is also a femininity to her—helped by her E cup breasts—even in the football uniform. She is 100% the figure of her Barbarian tabletop character, more than a head taller than anyone else and much more muscular than any of her teammates, one of whom we see sitting on the bench. The view is on the side of the field. Shyla has her helmet slung under her arm. She is walking up to Parker and Willow, who are holding hands and pulling away from a cute kiss. Shyla is practically growling.

What did I say? Fool around all you want, but don’t hurt her. I was very clear.

Panel 2
Shyla looms over Parker, who shrinks away. Willow has a hand on Shyla’s chest keeping her at bay. She smiles sweetly up at the Amazonian. SFX comes from behind and above Shyla’s head.

Better to pull the band-aid off, right? What’s the worst that could happen?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Panel 3
In the foreground, Shyla has lifted Parker off the ground with one hand, curling her bicep with him in her grasp—grabbing him by his shirt collar. However, Shyla, Parker and Willow’s attention has all turned to the 30 foot tall giantess Alex. She’s got a warrior’s body with wild hair that comes down her her breasts. She is smashing through one side of the stadium, a look of rage plastered across her face. The caption is Alex’s emerald green.

That. That could happen. Why would you even ask?!

I became the Giantess Queen. And suddenly things were so much simpler.

PAGE 8–4 panels
Panel 1
Alex is lunging to grab Parker but Shyla has thrown herself in front of Parker. Shyla’s helmet is in mid-air on a trajectory towards Alex—Shyla has thrown it like a projectile.

No more planning or plotting.

If you can hear me, I’m sorry for this!

Panel 2
Shyla has hit the dirt hard and looks pretty banged up. She has one eye closed and grimaces. One hand is trying to push herself up off the ground, the other has caught a piece of paper floating in the wind. There is a swirl of emerald energy crackling around the papers, as if they have a mind of their own. The paper is partially visible, they are Alex’s tabletop campaign notes. One is titled “Giantess Queen.”

No more worrying about other characters.

It can’t be.

Panel 3
Shyla is holding the page up in the air, she shouts to Parker and Willow who look up at the giantess, terrified. Alex has a fist raised about to smash down on them.

If you’re gonna do something, do it fast!

Just follow my lead!

Panel 4
Reminiscent of the first page, Shyla has launched herself into the air, fist cranked back, looking like she’s ready to punch.

But when you let go of control...

PAGE 9–4 panels
Panel 1
Shyla has latched onto Alex’s chest. Instead of attacking, however, she’s giving Alex as big a hug as she possibly can.

...that’s when you open yourself to the best surprises.

Panel 2
Alex has shrunk down to 15 feet, still only wearing the tatters of her clothes. She has embraced Shyla in a hug, with Shyla’s feet off the ground. They look intimately into each others’ eyes.

Thank you.

Anything for my Game Master.

Panel 3
Alex is down to 6 feet, her breasts remain E cups and her hair is a bit wild, but back to around jaw-length. Willow and Parker have rushed in to join in the hug.

I’m so sorry guys, I got carried away.

We didn’t mean to hurt you—we love you!

Panel 4
View of the stadium where Alex had previously busted through-there is no damage. It’s as if nothing happened. Shyla pulls back from the hug, arms resting on Alex’s shoulders. Shyla laughs while Alex blushes. Willow and Parker not on panel.

They, no—the world—acted like I hadn’t just gone on a mad Titan rampage.

We’re gonna have to talk about timing.
I love streaking, but your juicy ass is too distracting right before the game starts!

PAGE 10–4 panels
Panel 1
After the game, everyone is in regular clothes, though the girls are all wearing outfits that show off their assets. Willow and Parker are walking together, arms wrapped around each other’s waists. Shyla is holding up a football trophy triumphantly. While Alex walks between Shyla and Willow/Parker, lost in her own thoughts smiling.

ALEX (thought)
How is any of this real? Why don’t they see their own changes?

Panel 2
Shylvia is gently handing Alex the scraps of paper that were her notebook. She smiles down at Alex with a wink, while Alex looks speechless and confused, her hands outstretched, palms up, accepting the notes.

I can’t wait for our next session. But maybe no more giants—or giantesses—or a while?

ALEX (thought)
Wait, what?

Panel 3
View facing Alex, Parker, Willow, and Shyla as they walk down the street. Parker walks with an arm around Willow’s shoulder. Alex has paused, reaching out for a flyer stapled to a telephone pole. Shyla looks at her curiously, cocking an eyebrow. Alex lights up, excited.

What’s that?

It can’t be! I thought it was just a dream!

Panel 4
Looking over Alex and Shyla’s shoulders we see the flyer in Alex’s hand. It’s a flyer for a party at Selena’s sorority. The picture has Selena Cora and Greta on it with the words “Come One, Come All!”

I just figured out how we’re celebrating your win tonight!


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