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So this is a bit of a different script this week in that I've actually already developed it into a comic! So SPOILER ALERT! The first part of this comic will be released Monday March 14. I think we all know where things are going, but fair warning friends...


# PAGE 1

## Panel 1

Long panel of Astrid and Kettu playing peacefully while the older Knight stands looking sorrowfully. Even at a young age, Astrid is taller than Kettu, though not overly muscular. The Knight is flanked by two regular sized guards to help highlight her size difference.


Astrid and Kettu had lived an idyllic childhood. But there came a point where no one could deny what Astrid was: an Amazon.

## Panel 2

Scene change and a few years have passed. Astrid as a young girl, scared and pinned by a beast. She has a sword wedged in its jaws, but the creature is inches from her face.


Chosen by the wild god they would grow taller, stronger, faster than any human—if they survived the training.

## Panel 3

Astrid is a teen now, she is sprinting past another trainee, having truly taken to the training. She has a look of determination.


Where once her motivation had been to return to her old life—to Kettu—those memories soon faded. Replaced by the hunger of the hunt.

# PAGE 2

## Panel 1

Now in her late teens/early twenties, she is a well-honed weapon—though still on the svelte-side when compared to her roommate. She has jerked awake from restless sleep. She is nowhere near the hulking Titan from the previews.

Astrid (thought)

Just a dream, just a dream...

Yrsa (OP)

They say there’s no going back once you take the Rite.

## Panel 2

Astrid sits in a bed across from her roommate, Yrsa. Yrsa is a stone giant, on the bulkier side, but with a sweet face. They are both in minimal dress, having just woken up. They both look nervous.


...Changes you body and soul.

## Panel 3

Yrsa’s midriff is in the foreground as she puts on her armor. Astrid watches from her bed longingly.

Astrid (thought)

Hopefully emphasis on the body part. I’m definitely falling behind in that department.

## Panel 4

Yrsa and Astrid hold hands tenderly. Astrid must bend her neck to look up at Yrsa.


No matter what happens, we’ll always have each other.


Bound by blade and blood.

# PAGE 3

## Panel 1

Yrsa, Astrid, an ice fae, and other girls kneel in a sacred space around a tree at night. The old knight walks by them. All the trainees have paint on their face or flames licking around them.

## Panel 2

A short panel of Astrid with her eyes closed, fire or tattoos aflame.

## Panel 3

From the same view and panel size, Astrid’s eyes flare open. The background has been changed. She is some sort of crystalline, alien forest. Whatever environments I can pull out.

## Panel 4

Astrid rises, sword in hand, ready for combat, though not aware of something lurks in the shadows behind her.

# PAGE 4

## Panel 1

Close shot as the monster lunges at Astrid. It is almost upon her, Astrid’s blade lodged in its teeth. Both the creature and Astrid growl.

## Panel 2

Similar close shot as the beast digs its claws into Astrid’s arm. She howls in pain.

## Panel 3

Astrid is on her back having kicked the creature off her, it flies mid-air.

## Panel 4

Both creature and Astrid are crouching, ready to pounce again, when a voice comes from the ruins—someone is lost and afraid.

# PAGE 5

## Panel 1

Close shot panel. Astrid’s eyes open with fear as a single word escapes her lips. Her friend is walking into the path of the beast, completely unaware.

## Panel 2

The beast lunges at Yrsa. Yrsa is terrified.

## Panel 3

Astrid pounces on the beast, struggling to pull it off of Yrsa.

## Panel 4

From the same angle, but Astrid’s muscles bulge, her body is beginning to expand.

# PAGE 6

## Panel 1

The beast bites down on Yrsa’s arm.

## Panel 2

Astrid gets it into a chokehold while continuing to bulk.

## Panel 3

Astrid heaves the beast from her friend, continuing to bulk.

## Panel 4

Astrid’s eyes roll back as she is about to collapse, sweaty and exhausted.

## Panel 5

Yrsa manages to catch Astrid just as the young warrior faints. Astrid has grown to the point where Yrsa isn’t even at eye level, and she is far more muscular as well. Yrsa makes a comment of concern, but doesn’t worry all too much.

# PAGE 7

## Panel 1

Still easing their way together, Yrsa and Astrid make their way to a ruined fortress at the center of a lake.

## Panel 2

A witch waits for them as the two warriors struggle to reach the center. The witch stands before a portal—their ticket home.

## Panel 3

Close shot of the witch smiling smugly—energy crackling around her.

## Panel 4

Yrsa and Astrid shuffle into a fighting stance, despite their injuries.

# PAGE 8

## Panel 1

Yrsa is easily batted aside, flying midair. View is behind Astrid as she charges.

## Panel 2

The witch’s eyes widen in fear.

## Panel 3

The witch focuses all her attention on Astrid, lancing energy crackles over the young woman. Astrid is wracked with pain.

## Panel 4

Astrid steels herself and her mystical transformation begins.

# PAGE 9

## Panel 1-4

Transformation begins in earnest, it ends triumphantly with Astrid beating back the witch and entering the portal with Yrsa over her shoulder.

# PAGE 10

## Panel 1

Astrid and Yrsa are back in the temple with the other initiates. Some have transformed, others—including one of their friends—have not. The ones who did not look crestfallen, shamed for their inability to complete the trial.

## Panel 2

Astrid and Yrsa excitedly congratulate each other.

## Panel 3

From a slightly different angle, both women embarrassingly realize they’re naked.

## Panel 4

Their instructor congratulates them, but then informs them that their trial isn’t entirely over yet, they will each be given an assignment—track down a vicious magic user and bring them to justice.

## Panel 5

Cut to Kettu, a scrawny adult now. Beat up and fending off some vicious dogs and guards. He seems to be her target.


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