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Nerds don't lift? Ha. She'd never met a challenge she couldn't conquer with her mind. She was already valedictorian--even if she never went to another course for the rest of the semester--so when the PE couch laughed her out of the first day of lifting class, she found her new mission. As she scrolled through his curriculum she scoffed at its inefficiencies...and just plain sloppy. Two things she was not.

She was pre-med after all, she knew the body backwards and forwards, why shouldn't she be able to optimize her own body? Taking her dedicated and furious work ethic, she began working at night on her own. Day by day, week by week, she saw improvements. She tried to keep it hidden from all of her friends: average students wouldn't understand why she needed to not only take a lifting class but becoming the best lifter. She needed to bulk up more than any other student on campus. Not just the best lifter...the BEST PERIOD.

Soon though it was impossible to hide her growing form. None of her clothes fit, she had to start borrowing scrubs from the massive nurses that she did rotation with. Her fellow nerdy friends reaction wasn't what she expected. Sure, some of them met her with disgust and confusion. But many of them saw potential, saw their own transformation. Soon she had engineer friends working on better exercise machines, programmers working on better tracking algorithms. She'd spent so long fighting on her own, she didn't realize what it was like to have a dedicated team. And that was when her gains took on a life of their own. When it was just her own ambition, she wanted to get big. But each member of her team seemed to exponentially increase her limit for growth. She no longer wanted to be big, she wanted to be massive. By the time the lifting final came around, she'd almost entirely forgotten why she started the whole thing. But she showed up anyway, just to see her little experiment to the end. Needless to say, the coach was confused, frustrated, and very intimidated.

He gave her an A on the spot, to which she merely laughed. Just like he'd done all those months ago. He and his class were beneath her in every sense of the word now. She had bigger goals and a team to see them come to fruition.




She's so damn hot with muscles 😍