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Not really a dev update. More like a personal update, because things aren't going to well for me. To put it mildly. I mentioned, what feels like multiple times, I was struggling with personal issues. Health issues to be more exact and I still am. Not just mine, but my family's most of all.

If I told what had happened healthwise to my family in the last couple of months, you wouldn't even believe it. From cancer to damaged spine to heart problems. Everything. Well, that means I must have a pretty big family. I don't. 4 people closest to me and everything worst is happening to us 5.

But during those two months, we SOMEHOW managed to get through it. Not in the long run. This story has only one ending. But I could feel that we're heading into more steadier direction. It would've been bad either way, but at least steady.

That was until 10.01. Exactly one day after I had told everyone how everything is going perfectly and I'm close to finishing the game... That's when COVID showed up.

And it's still here. I feel fine. I don't think I'm in any danger, but that can't be said about my family.

I have to be completely honest here. If it was anything other than the final chapter, I'd abandon the game today. But I have maybe 200 renders and a few animations left to do and I really don't want to leave the game without completing it.

I'll somehow keep developing render by render until ch.17 p.2 is completed. That SHOULD happen next month both the alpha version and the official release. Unless a piano falls on my head which wouldn't even surprise me.

Thanks everyone for sticking around.

I have a few renders to show, so expect some previews.

Take care.


Hải Lê

Best wishes to you and your family.

Bzjnz Bzjns

After knowing the current situation of your family, I can't get happiness from the update notice. Everything will be fine. I'd rather you focus more on your family. They are the most important.


Thank you and I understand. Those types of personal posts can mean a lot of things. That the update will come in 3 months, 6 months or maybe never. I didn't want to leave that impression and give you (sort of) a specific timeframe, so you know your money isn't wasted.