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Several recent votes have told me that the vast majority of you want me to work on my next major animation rather than doing mini-animations and GIFs. Some new subscribers might not have seen this coming, so I want to draw more attention to this.

The Magnifying Glass tier is now inactive. I am leaving the tier listed in case anyone wants to join it for my previous animations. Anyone can feel free to stay on this tier, however it will not be updated regularly for the time being. (At least a few months) My my main focus will be on my next Major Animation and the future.

Live Action content will continue as normal!

If anyone feels put off by this news, just send me a DM and I'll try to make it right.

Also, know that any subscriptions will continue to fund future animations and projects, and whether you choose to stay, upgrade, or leave, I truly appreciate all of you! Thank you!



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