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   Hey everyone, time to lay out my new plan.

   Recently, I made a post saying it was time for a change, and the outpouring of supportive comments and messages really caught me off guard. It's been very encouraging and it lit a fire under me. Along with that post, I ran a poll which led me to an obvious answer: Time to hire help. But that's not all...

   And that leads me to the new plans, so without further ado:

-Discord- Launched now as WIP for Star Patrons.

-Mini Animations Return - Solely focusing on "Major Animations" has not gone well. It lets the Magnifying Glass Tier wait for months. So I've changed up my focus to some minis first. The bigger stuff can't be rushed anyway, so I'll be working on it little by little.

-Multiple Live Action Edits - For now, I have some temporary help which, in a week, has already been great for production speed! I'm looking for long-term editing help, and I may even have a guest editor or two from the community coming up? 

   Either way, I am getting ahead on work for the first time ever. With that, I want to release more/longer stuff sometimes. Not everything will be insane FX clips, but still...

And Patreon has cut off the rest of this post.
Here's a quick list of stuff that I tried to say earlier:

- Cloud Archive - Soon! Link will be updated monthly. New link will be accessible by the welcome message here, on a special discord channel, and by request. Vignettes now 1 clip. Comics in PDF. Larger file sizes now possible for future clips.
-Shrinking Nightmare: Lost Story: Fairies. This month!
-Josie mini-animation (non-canon) has begun based on a discord suggestion. ☺️
-New model? Had a couple models that didn't work out. Fingers crossed!
-Star Patron stuff for this month not forgotten, coming near the end of the month.
-3 FX clips in progress; 1 with each current model.
-Halloween stuff in planning. 👻

I'll just say I'm very excited! That's all for now!


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