Vignette 8 - Stomped FX (Patreon)
Vignette 8 - Stomped.mp4
Slow Motion - Sneaker Crush - Two micro people FX - POV - Serana
My latest Vignette. Mixing some slow motion with FX.
For this vignette, it was kind of tricky going for such a small scale. Clearer footage would have helped a lot, but I found that I couldn't make them much smaller or blend them with the background as well as I'd have liked. Mainly because they started to become less and less visible. As for animation - I rendered the tiny people at the wrong speed, and progressed too far before realizing. So they are moving even slower than they should be.
At the time, I had also captured some good POV angles with slo-mo, which are present.
Anyway, thoughts and feedback are welcome!