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Looking for story and scenario ideas for live action clips.

While I often receive ideas for specific actions, (which I can always use as well,) it's the story elements and setup that are most difficult to work out. I'm gradually upgrading things, but for now, I'm still needing more ideas for situations that can be done without necessarily having a huge budget.

So if you have some ideas that fit with that goal, then I'd be glad to hear them and maybe try some out in upcoming sessions. As always, no promises, but let's see what we can come up with!


Mario Alvarez

So like an idea of an ex girlfriend that shrinks you and crushes you out of spite type stories?

Fabien Berton

Good evening, I'll see this kind of story: A birthday that goes wrong with Mitzi or Serana, a boss has to get rid of certain employees for the trip easily, she finds a solution to shrink them and she loses sight of them, at the Mitzi cinemas with Serana going to see a movie and everyone in the room shrinks and tries to ask for help, a story that takes place in a shoe store, a story that takes place in a library Here is some idea if that was achievable it would be great.


Could be something like that, sure. But for example: The shrinking might have to be POV or not shown at all... because... a CGI person would look ridiculous at full size. And then, how do we know that she's an ex? Adding some text isn't out of the question, but still... I'm also sort of looking for ideas for... not just story, but ideas that work well visually.


What about if a tiny is shrunk tiny on a table, the giantess come in and thinks hes a flea, she brushes him off the table with her hand saying she hates bugs and needs to call the exterminator, the speck sized person is flying through the air and lands in her shoe (gym shoe, high heel, flats) (depends on how model is dressed I guess) she then slowly begins to put on the shoe while the tiny screams for her attention and is plastered to the insole of her hot sweaty shoe for the rest of the day unaware …


I'm a big fan of the microcity films, if there was a girl wearing flip flops or sandals that would be awesome! Like a scenario where she spit on the city, eats it, crushes it, etc. Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the ideas! Not sure how to fake some of those locations, so that would be pretty tricky... but it's still good stuff to keep in mind :)

T Taylor

i see where you’re coming from. you could try like an alien invasion type thing. except the aliens are tiny relative to the people of earth. i don’t know if you like spending money on props and things, but you could have like a plastic alien ship and have CGI folk come out of it. the model is unaware of them, like she gets home after they arrive or something like that, and thwarts their attempt to i don’t know, do alien stuff to her. you could have her eventually find the ship and like mask a pov shot with the interior of the ship if that ain’t too hard/expensive or whatever. you could the aliens in food, the ground, etc. whatever is possible for you ya know.


It is definitely in the plans to do more micro city stuff! And thank you!


Yeah, that's a good idea.. For that matter, I might be able to just animate the ship, too. Added to the list of potential ideas!


Giantess Twerk with sound effect


I trust in your creative prowess, so I'll leave these (mostly) general ideas/themes for you here so you can fill in specifics or combine as you see fit: Little people with wings like pixies or fairies The tooth fairy Growing up insecticide / rodent traps fly swatters A rainy day Playing board games Man is the monster Dancing to music Young couple Reading at the library Playing paper football against the tiniest football team A society of tiny people living in hiding Spies David and Goliath Reversal of fate A giant doing office work at home Flea circus Cosmic intervention Cooking Doing the dishes Nature walk Communal living Prospective roommates Eating on a park bench Marathon running Video exercising Group Yoga Livestreaming Tiny Pilates Tiny Pirates Fun and games Porch pirates Burglary Cleptomaniac friends Costume and make up Painting a Goddess Food delivery Two sides of the same story Grocery shopping Sleepwalking Sleep talking Sleeper agent Reincarnation Moving in/out Daylights savings Hope this helps in some way.

Quinn Ling

Just spitballing here, if you use, yay =D Symbiotic relationship between giga giantess - micro/nano civilizations that live on and inside her. Unaware (she is the world) and/or giantess is their "landlord"


Giantess twerking for tiny on chair


Honestly don't know if I have anyone willing/able to do that kind of thing, but added to the list


That's a cool idea. I have been looking into video microscopes... Would love to do some really extreme size-differences at some point.


Mini golf course where tiny golfers use it as regular golf but a girl shows up one night and starts crushing them unaware then it becomes aware 😈


A female scientist exploits this guy who has a crush on her to experiment her shrink ray on and shrinks him until he's microscopic to keep as a pet.

Kyle Mcclue

Ok ok now hear me out new series kinda like mha butttt instead of quirks 80% of the earth was shrunk and only a few times actually can stand up to the giants