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Patreon lags out and freezes when I add too much text to one post, so I apologize for 3 posts in a row...

New outline looks like:

-Aiming for 30 seconds or around.

-Quick action. Only action. Crush. Vore. Inhaled. Butt crush. Whatever the content, right into it. Probably save more unaware or suspenseful scenarios for Major Animations.

-A model and a background. Complex setups and situations will be left to Major Animations like Shrinking Nightmare. A week of setup and creation for a one-off animation is almost stupid.

-Hold votes earlier to get ahead and plan release dates.

-Have time to breathe and refine my creative animation output in a similar way as I have done with Comic Strips.

Ok, that is it for now. September news and previews coming up soon!


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