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  • July_Mini_-_Kelly_4k.mp4
  • July_Mini_-_Kelly_1080p.mp4



*Early-Access Ended*

Kelly casually torments some of her exes while relaxing poolside. Just another day in the life of a spoiled woman with a shrink ray.

A few notes:

- Started out aiming for more "gentle" teasing and interaction, (because it just seems more painful, and worse somehow when the tinies are bigger than micro, doesn't it?) but nearing the end of working on this one, it ended up leaning more "cruel" in nature, anyway. Still, for the last moments, I decided to leave the "end result" up to the imagination, and told mostly through audio and careful angles. So, if you'd rather think of the animation in a more playful light, (as was the original intention,) I'd recommend turning down your volume. :P

- Having more diversity in the tinies, (and also the giantess characters,) is something that's been requested from me here and there. A character in my work is only ever meant to represent that one fictional person, and nothing else. There is no ulterior motive, message, or agenda. Race, religion, political view, gender, drug use, etc... It's all for the sake of immersion in the fantasy, and speaks nothing of any real-life issue or topic. The only feelings I hope to trigger are positive ones, so I hope I'm successful in doing that.

That being said... I encourage feedback, as always! If you enjoy it, please leave a like, as it helps me better understand what kind of content to do more of! So if you want more of this kind of direct interaction and less-extreme scale, then let me know!



Fabien Berton

hello i didn't hang on too much i prefer when the characters are tiny with consciousness and incontinence i have it and find the quality a little too big and always make it


So, smaller and unaware? Sorry, having a little trouble with the translation on this one...

Fabien Berton

sorry i use google translation to speak in english if it is badly translated it is not my fault lol i meant that i prefer when it has an ant size and it is not seen by the giant and may he also be seen by the giant


Thanks for the feedback. There will be plenty of ant-sized characters coming up!

Fabien Berton

ok no worries thank you after me i don't really like it but for others it we love it it's just my point of view i don't want to make myself an enemy lol