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I have added a new tier option to my subscriptions. I want to be clear that this offers no new content at this time. The "Microscope" tier is there as a placeholder for testing and future plans. There will be a news post, a notification, (as well as an updated description for this tier) when it is finalized. 

In the meantime, a few patrons have asked me about upping support for more-quickly funding new content, namely animations, (such as Shrinking Nightmare Season 2 and beyond,) as well as further bonus animation for a tier like this new one. This is why I'm including it now. If you don't up your subscription, you'll miss nothing. If you do, you will only receive my gratitude in response, and you'll be helping to fund future animation. It's only there for donation purposes until a future update.

Finally, if you're reading this, then thank you for being a supporter! There's still half a month left in October and I'm working my ass off to finish some Halloween surprises before it's over! Until next time...


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