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supporter access:  https://shadowriter.com/? tok=t29wtyg7825gt3qer8427tg9q03rt7w5t23q08r73  

New Supporter build:  https://shadowriter.com/games.php?game=HardLife&ch=supporter&v=v0.27642 (must activate access token first to see build, otherwise it will say INVALID GAME)

 HardLife: Changelog - v0.27642 (since last public release):
* join the HardLife server for more frequent updates: https://discord.gg/CVhjBxr
* new location: City Hall, offers change or name service (more to come)
* minimized space taken by side-menu, expands on hover or tap/focus
* extended Esc key to close Twine/SugarCube system menus (Save and Options dialogs)
* added Context to hotkey events to avoid firing keystrokes to the passage while the Menu or Modal dialogs are open
* added hotkey focus-filter to allow free typing in input fields
* cleaned up codebase, eliminated several redundant passages, going from 48 down to 25 passages (all that remains are core-engine and location passages, 134 have been removed in total)
* removed reserved/unused passage/data blocks in favor of fresh designs
* started LISTS passage to reduce overhead on CMS, library, and special passages
* rebalanced lift formulas to scale better with super-stats
* added 3 new distances to throw: Intergalactic (36k ly+), Extracelestial (130m ly+), and Transreality (46b ly+)
* fixed null re-encounter error, all encounter variables are now cleared at the end, regardless of passage navigation events
* fixed combat stat bug (difficulty level was effectively shutting off during combat)
* fixed bugs in car encounter
* reduced difficulty effect modifier on encounters from diffLv to diffCal
* reduced difficulty effect modifier on damage/survival from diffLv to diffCal
* added option to leave wallet on the ground/skip encounter, also lowered rate of encounter in general
* programmed the Play Catch vehicle interaction (solo mode only)
* vehicles now get lighter as integrity fails, shedding up to 75% of their weight
* and a bit more since last announcement... (the previous release was silent, and the notes got overwritten by the new-UI notes~ I know the changes were relatively minor  and involved passage reduction/cleanup, bugfixes, and the skeleton for home descriptions, but I cannot remember what else)

I'm working on some bigger changes, including getting slaves/pets back up and running with the new data structure, as well as metabolic weight loss/gain... and I'm hoping to have one or both of those ready for release, along with a new hidden area, in the next couple weeks with the full release.

here's the current roadmap:
Key Features in co-development between UI branches:
* Simplified Stat system, more in-line with PSL
* Room-based Navigation and Exploration
* Passive Time (enqueue actions-over-time rather than jumping to the end)
* multi-factor overlapping Situations to replace linear/singular Encounter system
* New Body Structure and Gradual Transformation system
* Wounding, Splicing, and Body-Modifications
* Grappling and A-B-C party maneuvers (A does X to party/object B aiming at target C)
* Contests/Competitions with NPCs and RNG townsfolk (armwrestling, lifting, racing, etc.)
* Improved Metrics based on limb lengths, circumferences, and composition/density
* Macro/Micro interactions and fitting inside chambers or through openings, based on new metrics and stats
* Relationships, Reputation, Factions, & Moodlets
* Tag system for extending actions on Objects, Items, Rooms, and Targets
* Layered Progress Graphics (build/skin, hair, eyes, and clothing*)
* Alternative Metabolisms and Racial Traits
* Employment & Opportunities system- including promotions, challenges, investments, and entertaining for tips
* Skills, Powers, Gifts, and Divinities... transcending the mortal state
* Adult Interactions, Abilities, and Metrics
* More Content, exploring Rivervalley and beyond...
* Character Creation and Customization

On a small side project I'm trying to get open-graph social media link preview metadata working... and although the tags are being generated correctly, they're still not visible by the social bots... I'll need to craft a special means to share that information that doesn't hit the age and authentication/token walls... and provides URLs not Data-URIs for the preview images. It will also need to redirect non-bot visitors to the regular page and related checks.

I also need to fix the token system so it doesn't delete untested tokens on the age verification form, then require re-submission of the token to reach the supporter area... my sincerest apologies on this bug, it has only recently caught my attention.

In case you didn't already know, the Games area on Shadowriter.com has been completely reworked... instead of going straight in to play on individual games, it lets you choose the version you want to play/download, and has metadata like cover and poster art, patch-notes, roadmaps, credits, related-links, and game description. (and now the social metadata that cannot yet be seen by bots)

One more note on HardLife- I've changed the Save-keys on older builds to isolate them from incompatible versions in the evolution of the game/engine's data-structure. There may still be some minor bugs jumping versions within build-groups, but at the core they are compatible. The current series (v0.274+) wasn't changed, so you could keep access to existing saves. It will be valid/unaltered until series v0.3+ comes out with the unification of the old-UI content and the new-UI design and cleaner codebase.

With the addition of the proper Games Section on Shadowriter.com, I went in and updated pretty much every game hosted there. Several games I hadn't previously shared were added, mostly mini-games/concept-demos.

The most notable update, however, is probably Last Legend- I added a ton of new features and content, including the Progress Pictures for the Fighter and Red Mage classes, and an updated generic that also scales with you (replacing the old static placeholder); there's also a new breakables system with useful prizes and lots of rampagey goodness. ;)

Oh, and probably the most fun is that Queen Azumi has finally lost all patience with her guards, and will now eject them from her path... along with breaking whatever is behind them.

Wow, I could talk about those changes for a week... lol. Anyway, check out the updates to both games! (and check out the LL changelog to see what I'm talking/not-talking about:  https://shadowriter.com/games.php?game=Last+Legend&ch=public&v=current&act=changelog  )

Here's the link for Last Legend:  https://shadowriter.com/games.php?game=Last+Legend&ch=public&v=current 

And for the love of God, if you aren't on the Discord Server yet, come by: https://discord.gg/CVhjBxr ; I know it looks eerily quiet here on Patreon because there haven't been any major/newsworthy releases in a little while, but there's all kinds of stuff going on behind the scenes and lots of small updates and mini-releases that don't get full announcements through normal channels. (I even try to keep a lid on my rantings/frustration at bad design)


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