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HardLife engine v0.27039 notes:

  •   * Fixed 2 bugs in feed slaves interface (invalid menu-name, and possible target corruption)
  • * Character & World data-format now auto-updates on load (will prevent errors caused by missing properties from earlier versions, does not create pre-v0.26 branch/format compatibility, too much of the data core has changed between v0.25x & v0.26x to support older saves)
  • * Created SYS.DB library to refactor/simplify existing functions and house IndexedDB integration in future versions
  • - db_ifFun(callback, ARGS, defaultValue) call for optional callbacks
  • - db_getVal(obj, PARAMS) call that returns ((typeof x==='function') ? x() : x ), designed to be extensible
  • > db_getRoom(room, PARAMS) returns db_getVal((setup.DATA.ROOMS['rooms.'+room]||{}).passage, PARAMS)
  • > db_getScene(scene, PARAMS) returns db_getVal((setup.DATA.SCENES['scenes.'+room]||{}), PARAMS)
  • > this syntax allows interchangeable use of static (raw passage text/primative) and dynamic (function return) values, making prototyping & refactoring simpler
  • > refactoring is underway for accessing other setup.DATA tables
  • * added convenience methods for wrapping text with the following HTML tags: a, p, div, span, ul, li, table, tr, th, td -- accepts object properties as attribute lists
  • - added support for the wrap_xml() handler to allow ATTR to be a prerendered string, as an alternative to object-property format already supported
  • * added convenience methods and handler for wrapping passage code with the following SugarCube macros: link, linkreplace, linkappend
  • - handler supports both void/empty macros and normal ones (assumes void if contents argument isn't set), also supports optional args list
  • * DATA.SKILLS & DATA.ABILITIES tables started
  • - DATA.SKILLS will contain trainable skills which will modify abilities, allow new actions, and improve job/task performance
  • - DATA.ABILITIES will contain the components necessary to calculate various athletic, mental, and other abilities -- including lift-power, reading-speed, and walk/run-speed
  • > indicates which Stats, Energies, Aspects, Powers, Skills, and Metrics govern each Ability estimate
  • > Abilities have a Base and Bonus score, the former is a static minimum, the latter adds to create is a dynamic maximum
  • > The core formula is identical for every ability, making it much simpler to implement the complex interactions
  • > The BASE ability formula is = (Stat)*(Magnitude+[AspectLv]+PowerLv)
  • ~ for lift.power this means = (STR)*(Magnitude+PrimalLv+xSTR.Lv)
  • ~ for read.speed this means = (SPD)*(Magnitude+AstralLv+xINS.Lv)
  • > The BONUS ability formula is = Math.max(0, Energy1+Energy2)*(1+SkillLv/10)
  • ~ for lift.power this means = Math.max(0, Power+Vigor)*(1+ProperForm/10)
  • ~ for read.speed this means = Math.max(0, Focus+Fight)*(1+Literacy/10)
  • > The formula also supports a Scaling Factor, if needed
  • ~ for lift.power this is = xSTR.multiplier*unstack(muscleMass/10) * Math.max(0.1, muscleCondition%)
  • ~ for speed.read this is = (xSPD.mult+xINS.mult-1)*(%Language * %Cipher * %Subject / %Mnemonic)
  • - TPL.CHAR has been extended with Athletics/Records branches
  • > CHAR.O now has 3 sub-branches:
  • ~ CHAR.O.A is reserved to store the cached Abilities from the BASE formulas
  • -- the BONUS ability formula has to be run on each activation of the ability, and thus cannot be cached (depends on current energy levels)
  • ~ CHAR.O.L is reserved to store the estimated ability for each Lift or Athletic Action (Bench-Press, Sprint, Long-Jump, Squat, etc.)
  • ~ CHAR.O.R is reserved to store the records for Athletic Actions/Lifts (highest Bench-Press, etc.)
  • - The new calculations will take awhile to integrate, but will go in alongside the existing lift system
  • > the CHAR.O.L & CHAR.O.R branches will be integrated into the Athletics Summary Screen that I'm adding to the Menu
  • > the CHAR.O.A branch and formulas, once tuned, will be slowly worked into the gym and workouts in the next few builds
  • ~ this will ultimately culminate in the renovation of the gym to using actual machines and weight plates
  • -- following this, equipment to furnish your own home-gym will become available
  • - CHAR.O.A has the following abilities reserved for addition to the DATA.ABILITIES table:
  • > 'aware.empathy', 'aware.lang', 'aware.logistics', 'aware.spatial', 'power.discipline', 'power.jump', 'power.lift', 'power.logic', 'power.math', 'power.speech', 'power.xform', 'speed.climb', 'speed.fly', 'speed.read', 'speed.swim', 'speed.walk', 'speed.xlate',
  • > initially only power.lift and speed.read will be implemented, but if all goes well, more will be added over time
  • * Reduced Codebase by 16KB by replacing all references to setup.ALIAS with a global reference pointer (sX) on the window object, and another 2k by shortening some of the high-frequency method names
  • * formatSignificant() ( now called fmtSig() ) has been extended to allow fixed, min, & max decimal PARAMS
  • * Athletics/Ability screen (menu) added/started, currently shows Lift-Power & Reading-Speed calculations, will be expanded upon later (abilities will show the raw power/speed potentials, a separate athletics screen will be added later to show specific records, lifts, etc.).

The updated Roadmap going forward is:

  • v0.271 should be the ability calculations fully integrated (gym-lifts, the start of a better striking system, & the framing for a grappling system)
  • v0.272 should be the room-system and navigation
  • v0.273 should be the site/address/property system
  • v0.274 should be the tags & furnishings system
  • v0.275 should have fully functional housing
  • v0.276 should have all locations using the new format, including an updated gym with real weights & home-gym equipment
  • v0.277 should have the action-system finished and tied in with abilities, exercise, exploration, item-use(books/weights/etc.) & combat
  • v0.278 should have a modest set of skills & a development system (books, practice, etc.)
  • v0.279 should have the ability to upgrade powers, and a few discoverable ones (like Lena's Primal Magic & possibly Vampyric Blood Magic)

and with luck, we'll get the time system switched over from Active to Passive right around engine v0.28, which will put us on track to have:

  • v0.281 regular Income & Expense events (paydays, subscriptions, rent, utilities, etc.)
  • v0.282 services to buy or offer (utilities, webcamming/private-sites/shows, etc.)
  • v0.283 investment/property ownership and partnerships
  • v0.284 a basic job system, with support for events, scheduling, & performance reviews
  • v0.285 better support for electronic devices, virtual-sites, and a prototype remote-viewing system (for webcams, astral-projection, mind-control, remote-access/control, dreams, etc.)
  • v0.286 full support for event-scheduling and an encounter-probability/queue system (forget to pay the landlord for a couple of weeks?)
  • v0.287 NPCs converted to the DATA table/compressed structure, with many new NPCs introduced
  • v0.288 full conversion of random NPC & generic encounters into a single unified system (combining features from both for a better and more consistent experience)
  • v0.289 outfits/clothing mix & match properties & descriptors ("a man approaches in baggy old jeans and a shoddy-T, making him look like common riffraff..."), using an extension of the TAG & TRAIT systems
  • v0.29 -- a prototype Character Generation system (including new traits)
  • v0.291 proper loot on defeated opponents
  • v0.292 a prototype item-containment system, allowing you to find/put things in rooms/furnishings and wearables (pockets, shelves, purses, wallets, etc.)
  • v0.293 sub-targeting, allowing you to aim for particular regions, or interact with them
  • v0.294 support for multi-target/multi-opponent encounters/combat
  • v0.295 a prototype injury/wounding system
  • v0.296 the start of a grappling system, with simple grabs, slams, & throws (non-stateful)
  • v0.297 a prototype stateful combat subsystem, allowing more complex holds, pins, & submissions
  • v0.298 weapon-based attacks/actions, allowing for grappled targets(objects/persons) to be used against other targets in melee or ranged attacks
  • v0.299 a prototype weapons system, with durability, ammunition, sharpness/hardness/mass/recharge and other logistical factors
  • v0.3 ---- integration of all features into the new-UI project/refined code and data-base
  • v0.31 -- conversion of encounters to the multiple/simultaneous "situations" system
  • v0.32 -- prototype modular metabolic system and re-introduction of weight gain/loss, this time allowing for fat and muscle to be gained and lost independently, and alien/non-mortal metabolic needs (blood, elemental energy, lust/fear, etc.)
  • v0.33 -- metabolic needs & mood factors (sleep, boredom, anger, lust, etc.)
  • v0.34 -- adult interaction mechanics/prototype system (the necessary logistics will already be available at this point, so it primarily a matter of actions & descriptions)
  • v0.35 -- a prototype relationship system (trust, desire, attraction, faith, respect, etc.), intended to allow Casual, Professional, and Romantic relations to develop independently (with some overlap)
  • v0.36 -- a prototype multifactoral reputation system, meant to integrate with the relationship and upcoming Faction systems
  • v0.37 -- a prototype faction/political-motivation system, which predisposes members certain groups to react favorably or unfavorably to the reputation you've built thus far. (meant to make NPC reactions/encounters more interesting and manageable)
  • v0.38 -- a prototype pets/minions system (to replace the current slaves system), including for training, needs, housing, and commanding in the current environment (primary/physical-location) and a single active remote environment (viewing-location), and possibly a mission-prototype sub-system to allow them to be sent elsewhere without requiring your attention to control them
  • v0.39 -- support for swarms/multi-creature units (including as pets), in preparation for encounter escalations (next time they'll send more cops/thugs/etc, with bigger guns)
  • v0.4 ---- contest/competition core system -- meant to allow 1v1 contests in a wide range of fields, and be expanded upon later for free-for-all and team contests (including 1-v-team) and sports. (may require some optimization/caching for large-scale contests)

Several other systems are planned for development/integration along the way, including:

  • * Weather, Storms, Disasters & Elemental Powers
  • * the Astral Plane, Mind Control, Remote Viewing & Psionic Powers
  • * the Ethereal Plane, Afterlife, Reincarnation & Spiritual Powers
  • * Wildlands/Fields undeveloped land (dynamically generated)
  • * Combat & Athletic Skills
  • * Unlockable Skill/Power based Actions
  • * Nutrition (for normal human metabolisms)
  • * Simple & Advanced management options for human metabolism (do you need to worry about specific nutrients and hormones-- such as Creatine & Myostatin, or just general stuff like fat/protein/sugar/toxin levels?)
  • * Simple Graphics (some icons, faces, scene objects, etc., with experimentation for clothing & physique graphics... early prototype stuff mostly)
  • * Improved Karma system, including the Instant Karma Store! (option to spend ludicrous amounts of Karma to instantly manifest items/etc., and later to invest small seed amounts to increase the odds/rate of finding/creating the desired items)
  • * Advanced Karma system, allowing you to use it more directly to shape the world (the intended behavior of Karma in the PSL role-playing system), such as by helping or harming specific factors with specific groups. (aka wishing/willing to make someone stronger, weaker, healed, harmed, richer, poorer, etc.)
  • * Extension of Advanced Karma Mechanics to include Faith & Will in general, such as providing/receiving devotional energies between deities and their following, and related systems/energies such as between one's hero/idol/team and their fans. (yes, your prayers and emotional energy investment really can affect the outcome of sports, wars, and more)
  • * Ascension and Divine Powers (independent from the "super" powers system)
  • * Additional Cities & Worlds/Planes, including the ability to generate them dynamically. (will begin small with dynamic homes, shops, etc., but eventually extend to full environments)
  • * Technology- a system to advance or revert, or create alternate scientific histories for other worlds and times/timelines
  • * Magic- a more complete system of manipulating the fundamental forces behind our universe, including allowing the mixing and creation of spells and schools of magic
  • * Tattoos as a form of spellcraft/enchantment/warding (by the way, Advertising is a highly related School of Magic, but then so is Propaganda/Storycraft  ;p)
  • * Religion- building upon the mechanics of Faith to include divine favor, being selected to champion a cause, and the formation pantheons (either Dynamically or through Mods & DLC)
  • * Law- with Enforcement, Judgement, Crimes, and Punishment/Consequences (part of the system of escalation for those able/willing to resist)
  • * Authority/Governance- to allow for alternate political & socioeconomic systems in alternate worlds, changing of the existing world, and pretty much taking over when your powers grow to match your ego ;p
  • * Reproduction, Progeny, Family/Marriage, Genetics, and Racial/Special Traits & Abilities with a system for dynamic inheritance. (father's ears, but mothers infravision?)
  • * A Player/Soul-Jump system allowing you to switch characters, either to an established family member, minion/underling, pet/slave; or some form of psycho-spiritual/energy-based, or parasitical/symbiotic entity ability to change/control host bodies.
  • * Complete integration of the PSL rulesystem
  • * Complete integration of the PSL omniverse/planar structure
  • * DLC, Content-Updates, and Online Play Options/Features (still single player)
  • * In-Game and IRL time based cooldowns, log-in rewards (for online play), linking rewards for supporters (including support for special builds, custom characters, unique items, long-discussed karmic bonuses, and other forms of both free and unlockable DLC.) Will use 1-time linking codes, not patreon logins/auth; will later allow creation/linking of account on my website (currently down for redesign, though I have finally renewed the hosting and reserved the PSL domain for future development of the HL engine and PSL rulesystem), which will give us another hosting channel for the game (with better reliability than Philo of late, plus the ability to keep play statistics when the CURRENT VERSION has been updated), and a less restrictive ToS than some of the hosted sites (this and pretty much any other game I have or will develop has and always will be intended for an AO audience, even if the featureset hasn't yet been extended far enough to demonstrate such intent... I like an open sandbox with in-world consequences, I do not like censorship or forcing arbitrary moralities upon people... though you will meet people/NPCs/factions IN said games that very much do [hint: don't have sex in public while jaywalking and giving an officer the bird and talking shit about the mayor's mother, unless you can back it up. ;p ])

Supporter build has 15 Cheats, including the recently added Venus Mode (which makes randomly generated NPCs youthful [and in future versions also amorous]), Amazon Mode (significantly increases the Amazon-Index of the game), Valkyrie Mode (replaces God Mode and adds physical perfection [no fatigue or body-damage]), Goddess Mode (which makes you All-Powerful [unlocks and maximizes all powers in the game]), DND Mode (disables random encounters [Do-Not-Disturb] so you can focus on activities), and exclusive character Lisa Irons, and 2 additional difficulty levels. Supporters also get access behind the scenes and the latest betas (currently v0.27039): https://www.patreon.com/posts/27335463 


HardLife v0.27039

Download/Play in Sta.sh: (you are here) on Patreon: www.patreon.com/posts/27339284 or on Philome.la: philome.la/shadowriter/hardlif… (you can also play older versions there: ...


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