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First of all, the word Perks has finally been replaced! (sorry, its been bugging me from the beginning)

The POWERS system is in development.

Powers will be subdivided into types, such as magic, technical skills, conditioning/passive effects, resistances, arts, and racial abilities.

The interface for training may be jumbled for awhile as the sections are sorted out, but they all essentially share 2 parallel phases of in-game development (technically 3 if you include finding/unlocking): empowering the ability is done by focusing/spending karma on it, while practicing/using the ability improves your skill/control. So, Power and Control-- and there will be things in game that can modify either or both.

Tools generally aid with control, while Sources (generators, batteries, or tappable energy fields) raise the effective power level. And, in theory, you can lever one for the other.

Now, all that information doesn't mean much yet, but as content is added the Powers you develop will greatly extend how you can interact with the world. In the short term, its where the ability to feed/drain opponents will be fully implemented with all its variations.

Some powers can simply be granted, especially by racially transformative effects (like a vampire bite, retrovirus, or alien device), while others may need to be researched or discovered, or even evolved through a series of studies/experiments. (e.g. may have different prereqs-- which may be another cheat option... like the old Starcraft: "modify the phase variance" to unlock all abilities for building, though it may be better to simply uncover them instead... we will see what makes the most sense, and it may vary from skill to skill.)

Which powers (aside from a proper feed/drain ability) do you guys want to see first?



What about super-strength? It could work as a scalar on base strength. For example super-strength 1 might double what the character can normally lift based on your standard formulas. Super-strength 2 might triple it, etc. I don't know what your code looks like, but doesn't seem too difficult in theory to implement.


That doesn't sound too difficult at all. So this power should apply only to lifts or to damage as well? I can already see several means of unlocking this, including as part of certain racial features. Perhaps its effect on lifting should be greater than the effect on damage...? This gives me some pretty interesting ideas on how to display the powers menu as well... I wonder how hard it is to implement bar-meters in css... maybe 2D bars that segment horizontally based on training, and vertically as caliber increases? Will have to play around and see what I can do.


I like the idea if it applying to damage but to a lesser degree than lifts. Similar things could also be applied to other stats like super Endurance to take more damage and run longer. Super speed to run faster and possibly attack more often in combat. Perhaps a percentage chance based on some speed factor to get in a second hit and potentially even a third in combat?


There is a bunch I would love to see added, but I'd much prefer for other features to be added first. This seems like a really fun late game feature. Here are some powers I'd love to see. Super Beauty/Pheromones/Mind Suggestion/Control - being able to enslave people just based off their appearance of other mental or physical processes would be pretty awesome. Also that brings up two stats that I am not sure are currently modeled. Beauty and Intellect? Are either currently in game? Telekinitic powers would be pretty awesome. Maybe enslavement should be locked behind super powers. After all, wouldn't people find slaves weird in this society? But if they are doing something "willingly" who cares? Teleportation/Flying would make for a fun fast travel. Elasticity to shrink through doors? Maybe the ability to temporarily vary size and mass? There are tons of really fun powers, but I would definitely prefer that the more basic game features are added first. This seems like amazing end game content though!


To clarify, I think super powers are really fun feature, but you should first come up with more fun ways for strength and other more vanilla attributes to interact with the environment. Stuff like lifting cars in the junkyard should be added first. Right now you can get massive and strong, but can't really do much except be One Punch Man in fights.


I agree, more content with the base stats should be the main focus, but one of the things that needs the powers system right away is making the energy drain a proper and permanent unlockable/evolvable ability, rather than the generic pseudo-power it is now (only meant for testing). Lifting heavy stuff is on the way... starting with some of the cars in the S-Mart parking lot... I'm toying with the idea of letting you keep/collect anything you can carry... I mean, who's going to stop you? Starting a car collection seemed amusing. ;)


Psi abilities will definitely be added, we already have an energy for this, and one of the early ideas to use that would be like Eludajae's Ultraviolet, who made certain heroes into her thralls/lovers. We don;t have intellect specifically listed, but I do believe we have it covered with Instinct, Wisdom, and all the related energies (awareness, reaction, focus, skill, etc). I will still have to plan out exactly how that translates into one or more IQ scores for comparison/ Beauty is a lot more complicated... I want to implement it, but its a composite of a great many factors. PSL had a dark-stat (based on the element of Gravity/Darkness, which was the union of Earth, Ice, and Lightning) which had a physical aspect called perfection (along with allure for its mental aspect). I hadn't planned adding all the PSL base-stats (which is the union of each of the 8 elements with each of the 3-4 aspects... making 24 stats... 32 if you count the raw elemental abilities from the dream), but perhaps Light and Dark should be more than just your karmic balance. Well, the slaves are basically submissives/betas to your alpha nature... no matter how they got there, they're generally smart enough to know their place ;p We more or less have this today, its just not usually flaunted publicly. I might need to add a training phase with them though... something that either ingrains them with insurmountable fear/lust/awe or at least Stockholm Syndrome to break their will to escape. (perhaps an incident where they try to get out or someone tries to save them/intervene?) Been thinking about flight and teleportation (both of which could be achieved through multiple means)... right now the city's not big enough to see any benefit, so they would be mostly limited to descriptions... though they are a good way to keep the beta's in line... never know when you might pop back, and few things inspire awe like a floating goddess. :D Anyway, I was looking for a pulse here to check against my own ideas... this is another area of content that will start off pretty small, but grow as the game matures (even after v1.0, we will still be adding locations, encounters, and powers to the mix).


That would be a fun way to expand/build your house. Just build something out of stuff you collect / say even other people's houses.


Working on car randomization now... I'll try to create enough variations/choices in actions to keep it interesting. In addition to starting a possible "car collection", I'm adding a slightly lower strength level ability to collect bumperstickers... and since you can't peel the sticker off, you'll just have to peel off what its attached to ;p


Okay, I'm building out the double-parked car encounter (which may lead to other encounters, though someone would have to be an idiot to pick a fight with a girl holding a car ;p), and as soon as that is finished I will be posting a new build for testing. --After that, I am going to add 3 basic powers to boost Strength, Endurance, and Physique (Speed/Instinct/Wisdom wouldn't do anything right now, so I'm going to wait on those stats), which will act as multipliers for said stats. Lisa is supposed to have Super-Strength and Super-Endurance, so she will be starting with those. Tammi doesn't know it, but she has a level in Super-Endurance as well. (until she discovers it, you won't be able to level it past 2 or see it in the powers menu) Cindy has the latent power: Super-Physique, but its at level 0 and locked out at a max of level 3 until she finds a proper source for that power; like Tammi, Cindy's power is hidden from her, and must be discovered before it can be trained. Training powers will be accomplished by SPENDING levels, and in the case of these core-stat powers, the whole level would come from that stat (since level is the average of 6 stats, that means 6 points of the stat would be spent/lost in exchange for developing the first-level in the power), raising a power from 2 to 3 would take 3 levels. That should strike the right balance between too few powers and too many. --Super-Strength multiplies Lift_Power by Power_Level*Caliber (min 1), and Attack_Power by just 1+Power_Level. --Super-Endurance multiplies Combat_Toughness by Power_Level (and will do some other things later, generally making it harder to harm you). --Super-Physique will multiply Lift_Reps by Power_Level*Caliber, speed post-workout recovery, and increase muscle volumes by Caliber% per Power_Level (this only affects the size gained purely from the muscle tone, not from the core stats or body-weight). --Back to the Car Encounter, the distance you can throw something you lifted overhead is roughly 1/2 height * maximum number of reps you could press that weight overhead... so Super-Strength and Super-Physique could greatly increase chucking distance ;p