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Firstly thank you all very much for the support, and will try and send out links this evening after some rest. But a quick update on my weekend.

Had family member injure their arm on friday which led to 11 hours of us sitting in Emergency waiting room at hospital. (Go Canada) but no broken bones (yay!) but they gotta heal

So weekend was work catch up hours, and then by monday got whatever sick was floating around the hospital so now am shivering under blankets with a fever.

Apologize for the wait, but I just need a day to recover. Will hopefully be back at it asap with updates!

Thanks for understanding

UPDATE: if this ain't covid, it's pretty good mimic. only sleeping few hours at a time and bed ridden, unfortunately have to cancel this weeks comic page, sorry for the wait but need my rest to get back at it!




Same thing hit me a few weeks ago. Pretty sure it's just the flu. Hits like a truck though. Either way, get plenty of sleep and fluids. Take vitamin c. If you can take aspirin, have a little (on off chance it's covid it will help) Feel better soon!

Gary Johnson

BK, the biggest thing for you at the moment is to get well. We'll all be here when you feel better and judging by a number of comments, I'm pretty sure none of us will mind if you miss a few. Get well soon and look after yourself :)


Get well soon :S