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Is Pizza night over here.  What's your fav kind? Meat Lovers? ',:3  

Either way, back with another page! Did a big dump of art over the weekend onto my FA/IB, but didn't forget about the comic! Just ran a tad short of time to have page done. :P Next week will be a vacation for myself, will try and get pages out on time, but may have a slight delay if get too busy with packing etc. Just a heads up! Hope your summer is going well wherever you are!

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Pg. 58 SerahSeb bright baptism of cold, wide world strengthen or splinter the Two


Pg. 58 SerahSeb first step cold baptism of bright, wide world strengthen or splinter the Two


SM Pg. 58 SerahSeb first step cold baptism of bright, wide world strengthen or splinter the Two