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Hey all!
Thanks a bunch for all the support as we roll on into June.

Got a few forest blazes up here in North making things a mess @_@; Hope anyone near them are safe. From fires to whatever else is going on around world, hope you're safe and pushing through!

As always links for the month have been messaged out to tiers, (require to be subscribed to tier, prior to the 1st of the month processing) It's an automatic process, so if anyone is missed, feel free to message me and we can double check!

Thanks again all and talk soon!

EDIT: One of newest Mornings Pages had red lines left on it, should be fixed now!




Bruh, the suspense here, ISTG. Stay safe. Forest fire ain't no joke.


New page? But it still says 50 is the newest page.


Ahhh, there we go. Thanks!


You may want to send that link out to all subscribers - all I see is the message from the 2nd with the same URL as last month.


Hey, I'm a bit confused on how to access the new page. The new link in today's message is the same as the first link in the old message and I can't find any of the pages there.


Sorry I'm kind of lost it's still only up to page 45 on Saturday mornings?


Mornings pages are in a folder called _COMICS then go to Mornings. Todays link for 10$ tier was a repost to ensure you have correct one.


I'm on the $10 Tier and the recent link stil only gives me up to page 45 on the Saturday Mornings comic


Is that folder in the 10$ tier link that was sent today? If so I don't see it in there when I open the link.