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Hello everyone! Thanks for the patience as I got back on track with things and now uploading pages again! Should expect another page this weekend as well to get things caught back up.

Been a tad quiet while busy so thanks to all who reached out to check in if ok. ^^Proooobably shouldn't leave on a post of 'have no power' for a week or two, and not update directly here, than smaller journals/groups etc.

Half the family got crazy sick soon after, then easter, then the other "I guess I didn't get sick!" half got sick. Then was the long game of day job catch up, all while drawing when I can. :P

So fun few weeks! If anything, learned how thin you can stretch yourself as long as you keep running, but one stumble throws you back a few weeks of sorting out the pile up.

But am back on my game and should expect pages coming out again! Have a new page added to the link tiers sent out at beginning of month, and gonna push another page out today. If can clear everyone out of house, will hop on picarto for streaming! Will see how the evening goes. :) Will post here if I do so!


The newest page will be in the _COMICS folder for the respective tiers! (link sent out at beginning of the month.

PS: For those who just joined, access requires subscription on the first day of the month in order for the system to process and add you to the list to be notified. Feel free to message if you were subscribed prior to 31st and did not receive a Patreon Message with a link!




I'm glad you're well. I was just looking through your accounts to see if I'd missed you mentioning a break or something. :)


I like the midnight sketches


Huzzah! The triumphant return! Welcome back king! 👑🖤


Good that you’re ok mate. On another topic, second balloon from last panel reads a bit off. Maybe take the “is” off from the “is if they’re given…”


Or if you include something on the lines of “the only way…” at the very start.

Cobalt Phoenix 81

I love how Keith is wrestling with this a day after talking to Seb about him making his own choices, as well as the need to work through relationships.

Pony Stark (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 19:56:04 >Points to BK "That man added three new pages! Thought we wouldn't notice. But we did."
2023-05-01 14:57:15 >Points to BK "That man added three new pages! Thought we wouldn't notice. But we did."

>Points to BK "That man added three new pages! Thought we wouldn't notice. But we did."