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This could be a total nothingburger, but all my weather news is going "big ice storm probably gonna blow everyones power!" in next day or so.

So if I go radio silent, just know I'm just sitting in the dark enjoying the light of the passing cars who are crazy to drive with all the ice.

If you hear from me by weekend, it was all hype! and nothing changed!

Time will tell, but just wanted you guys to know, just in case!  Will carry on with things best I can til then!




We're in a bit of a blizzard at the moment, stay warm as well


Hopefully it’s just a hiccup, but if not keep yourself warm sir 👍


The rain is a goneburger, but the showers and all that other stuff is, uhhh. Cumburgers if ya' know what I mean. Jim Hickey NZ weather presenter

Dragon GEO

Still just glad your feeling ok. Weather is bad but health is more important. Stay healthy kitty

Dragon GEO

Much love. The story is building. Its already beautiful.

Dragon GEO

Only a week. A relation ship built off a life time. (Its a good story.) Continue or end it. As you see fit. (Dont stress the comments. Me included. ) Tell the story you see.

Dragon GEO

Art is perfect. Story telling. (I and others are gushing) much love. And "Do what you want."