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Hello again!
Delivering a new page to your patreon links, sent out at the beginning of the month!

Hope your Feb was fab, and soon on to March! Anyone else buried in snow? Keep warm out there all if so!


The newest page will be in the _COMICS folder for the respective tiers! (link sent out at beginning of the month.)

PS: For those who just joined, access requires subscription on the first day of the month in order for the system to process and add you to the list to be notified. Feel free to message if you were subscribed prior to 31st and did not receive a Patreon Message with a link!




Awww yeah! So excited to get my link on the first 🤩 I was just south of the border at a lake for a couple days, the flurries were strong, it was nice to see some snow stick around for a change though ❄️ I am so used to it just disappearing as soon as it hits the ground.


Ohh boy, here we go…wonder how he’s going to react when (if?) she tells him she knew about the twins already…


Heads up, my antivirus pops several times with a trojan warning when I try opening pictures. Have not happen before this upload. Anyone else have gotten this?


? From the drive link? Maybe check what specific is the file it mentions? Cuz all I have in those folders are pngs. @_@; Everything on my end is drawn and dropped directly, so nothing handles them between my comp and folder...


I have tried opening different things on my google drive. So far only pictures from your shared gallery triggers it. The URL say it's something on the google drive, but I can't read out more than that. Gonna have my anti virus do a full scan on my computer while I sleep, to see if it's local problem.


Clicked around a bit more on my google drive, and it might just be my local drive, as I have also got the warning on my own photos on there. Only on photos and pictures thought. I'm using the cloud and it's said that Google Scan/fixes such problem so maybe it will solve itself? And my anti Virus seams to handle anything trying to reach my computer just fine :)


Avast. Just finished a Large slow scan, and it took care of three files that seems to be the same Trojan that it warned me about on the drive, so it might just have been a local problem for me.


Nope, it's still there on the drive, but it might just be my Drive and just attacks me every time I opening a picture? Anyone know a good way to clean out your Google drive off viruses and shit?


I just scanned my entire collection with both MalwareBytes Premium and AVG and zero threats were detected. I'm pretty sure it's something on your end. ^^; If anyone else finds something, by all means let me know.