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Catching up with past weekend with a midweek post! Just had some weekend work drag out into early week but making sure pages don't lapse. Should have a new page this upcoming weekend on schedule! Enjoy. ^^

The newest page will be in the _COMICS folder for the respective tiers! (link sent out at beginning of the month.

PS: For those who just joined, access requires subscription on the first day of the month in order for the system to process and add you to the list to be notified. Feel free to message if you were subscribed prior to 31st and did not receive a Patreon Message with a link!




This page rose my anxiety level


No news - good news? Bad news?

Cobalt Phoenix 81

Well, this doesn't bode well. Hopefully he is just out thinking.


I concur. This is a wonderful way to build the tension. I fear he may arive drunk But thats just my past coming into the mix.