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This weeks comic page is brought to you by Auto Save~!

Software crashed right as I was exporting the page, realized I hadn't saved since midway through drawing the page. So like any artist, panicked til auto backup reloaded the page so I could salvage it. (phew)

So enjoy!

The newest page will be in the _COMICS folder for the respective tiers! (link sent out at beginning of the month.

PS: For those who just joined, access requires subscription on the first day of the month in order for the system to process and add you to the list to be notified. Feel free to message if you were subscribed prior to 31st and did not receive a Patreon Message with a link!




Oh god that would be tragic May the machine sprit bless Clip studios features


you're killing me with how sweet serah and Seb are bruh, well mainly Seb in this page tho lol


Yes,at least they have got each other and that's enough😼


This is madness!


Maybe there's hope for these two doofuses yet.


GOD they are so in love 😻 My fingers are crossed in hopes that everything will work out for them

Lord ryven

I’m super curious what their plan is. These two have been in an actual relationship for less than 7 days. Best I can tell neither one of them have a job, or high school education… if there dad does kick them out, where will they go, what WILL they do? Black kitten did an excellent job writing for young love. They are impulsive, brash, and they say stupid ass shit I would have said when I was that age.


IDK if the author knows this, if you're an underage child (under 18 in most of the United States) and not legally emancipated, it's almost always illegal for parent(s) or a guardian to kick you out. Think about it. If there's penalties for abandoning a PET, why do you think you can just throw your kid out with no consequences? Their father could make their lives miserable, for sure, but he could end up in handcuffs if he just tries throwing them out of the house.

Lord ryven

Well, let’s say hypothetically that they are not both 18 at this point. He could create a situation that’s unbearable, effectively kicking them out. Or, he could just completely shun them for the remainder of their child years. Which I think is worse psychologically.

Lord ryven

Side note: me and jay are some negative dudes, lol. Everyone else is all like “awww! The love!” And we are like, “how are they going to support themselves!” “Well, at least their dad can’t legally evict them for a while!” Lol. I know this comic is just meant to be a 7 day run. But I would definitely read a novel about their fledging years. Hopefully there is an epilogue to give us closure,


In my opinion, we should not look at a novel and unique cartoon from the perspective of an ordinary reality. Any good work is derived from the reality, but different from the reality, and at the same time beyond the reality


I figured, since everyone came to watch this incestuous porn comic for fun in the first place, there was no need to assume the worst end. After all, we all want this comic to bring a bit of novelty into an otherwise boring life, so why not follow through on the original purpose?😺