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Thanks to every single one of you for all the support this comic has generated. It has been such an experience, being the longest project I ever stuck at. I couldn't have done it without you :'3

Saturday Mornings' Page 28 (by my count) is page 200, so just wanna say I appreciate your every comment, upvote, favorite and message received since the start of this comic.

Thanks so much for coming along for the ride(s).


(PS: I sent out links for the month to the tiers, however I need another day or two to get last months 'what i been up to' folder added. Please check back if do not see the folder yet!) 




Omg congratulations on a memorable milestone


Thank you for sharing your talents! Congratulations on your milestone.


Thank you for great comics!


Dang that’s awesome. 200 pages and doesn’t even seem like it. Well here’s to another 200 pages of an awesome story. Congratulations


Awesome man. I've been addicted to your mornings comics and definitely plan on continuing to follow your work.👍 Keep it up, and here's to another 200 hopefully. ;]


First - gratz on those 200 pages. Second - is the above image said page 28 or am I unable to see it for some reason in the comic folder...


Awwww Congratulations


NOOOoooo...Hey! stop grabbing at my tail. as he turns his butt to the wall... LOL


Couldn’t have happened to a better artist! You’re the best BK! Here’s to many many more furry adventures!


Soooo... are we going to see those? XD

Pony Stark

While I wouldn't want you forced to continue this comic forever, I wouldn't mind seeing as many more as possible. Cheers to that. Also; new page up; imminent awkward breakfast incoming.

Matt letterman

Thank you for everything BK! And congrats! As for the new page. I connect with Seb a lot in this page b/c waking up next to someone after busting their guts in the night before is a radical feeling hahaha


Personally, I do want the comic to end so I can have some closure to the story. XD Though I wouldn't mind a sequel or spin-off. Definitely an epilogue chapter.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Just to put it out there... I would be totally fine if Seb had drawn the '2' on his butt cheek and bent over to display it. ;)


Congratulations on 200! Thank you for such an enjoyable journey. Looking forward to the rest of the story.


Congrats to the big 2, and hopefully for another 200


When I first discover your comic,I don't realize it was treasure found by me.Seeing your progress and skills improvement in comic in six years,I just feel amazing.