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Someone reached out to me, asking "is this you?" and can 100% say no, it is not. I don't use Facebook. So if you come across this page, be warned not to try and get commissions through them. It's a scam.

The only way you can reach me is my FA, IB, Patreon and Sub Scribestar.
(There's a twitter floating out there, but I never check it/use it so will skip it)

Anything other than these sites, is not me.

BE WARNED! Cuz knowing is half the battle~!




Thanks for the heads up!


That's messed up to see someone try to ruin your reputation hope that fake account gets banned right away


Wtf those mannerisms aren't even close to yours.


That’s pretty crummy for someone to do! No worries BK, we’re not going anywhere

Matt letterman

Do more femboy seb and I’ll personally track down the person who did this.