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Hope all's well over there, but whole house is a coughy/sniffly mess here, myself included. Tried to push through this past weekend and get new page out but I'm just brainfogged starin at screen and probably best if I just rest first then get back at it.

An updated preview has been added to the links sent out earlier in the month, and will be finished as soon as I can. This way can keep on schedule so you will get another page this upcoming weekend as well. Hopefully am feeling better by then to draw.

Thanks for all the support and will get caught up with messages soon!





Ohh no! That stinks BK, but first things first, here’s hoping you feel better soon!


Sick again? Give me your address so I can send Vitamin C and a few gallons of chicken soup... ;) Seriously though, Take care of yourself and others. :)


Hey I am not alone then 😅😅

AquaWolfX 87

Rest up and get well!

Lord Chaos

Get well first.


Am I the only one who cannot see the newest preview? i've gone to the link but its not there or am I looking in the wrong place?


Should be in a folder at either top or bottom of the folder called Previews. I see it there on my end. Let me know if still missing


OK I had a look and while I do remember a Previews folder I do not see one now. I've tried every recent link you have sent me.


Oh OK I see whats happened. Placing the latest sketch into "Previews" puts in a tier above me now thats why I don't see it. I'm at the 10dollar level


You dont need upgrade the tier level for the comic page. I checked the 10 tier comic folder and I see the previews folder in there. Maybe refresh your browser?


Yes. I found it ! thank you so much. I will still be upgrading tier level because I really do appreciate your storytelling abilities. You took a small story and turned it into a longer and deeper emotional experience. I hope to see more good stories in the future.


I'm a bit clueless where do I go for any of the links