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Firstly thank everyone so much for the support during my vacation. It went a looot longer than expected, (family twisting rubber arm to stay longer etc.) since I never get to visit that far out, but has finally come to an end! Beaches have been swam, sun has been absorbed and am recharged~

After good 14 hour drive, am finally back home and catching up on art and such!

My goal this weekend is to catch up a backlog of the scheduled past few pages. I did best to keep up until lost access to my home server while gone. (guessing computer just turned off or power blip with no one there to reboot it)

Will send out temporary tiers that are just for webcomic pages/previews for today, then after I'm settled, will have tier rewards to you all soon after.

Hope you all have been doing well and thanks so much for all the patience!

After getting several messages from people about a certain online payment processor stepping up their 'puritan' actions, which in turn could, down the road, have a rerun of what Patreon did last year over MC/Visa; I'm making sure thatS ubscribe star is a ready alternative to my current account. However am still considering what are the options for alternative payments.

For any who have a moment, would love some online feedback below:





Vacation is good. But did you Loaf? Loafing builds character.

Vitu'i Ma

Welcome backo ^^

Dragon GEO

Time for self. If you can take it, do! Sunday can wait. Saturday isent finished. (Winkwink)


Welcome back! Hope the vacation was restful, relaxing, and reinvigorating!


My family think Vacation means "plan 10 things a day, only manage 5 a day". So very little loafing occured unfortunately.


There’s nothing like family I’m on the east coast but have family on the west coast but it’s also good to be back home

Steve O

Sounds like you need vacation from your vacation.


You did it! Welcome home BK, rest up a bit at home before you rush into posting, it'd be good to get situated after so long away


Welcome back BK! You were missed! But hoping that vacay went good 👍