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Got some family gettin married, so travelling to far east coast in a week to join the party! Am aiming to find ways to draw while away, as well as get a drawing or two done before I leave. But just giving people a heads up in case next weekend is quiet on my end! (am aiming to keep weekly page update going without slowdown)

Speaking of weekly comic, As I mentioned last time, I have moved the new page uploads to the drive folder so upper tiers can use the links I recently sent to your DM's for monthly updates.

This method allows me to keep single copies of the page across different support services, so thanks for the understanding!

Hope your summer is going well and take care!



Dragon GEO

Far. Got a fun request. (Not repping the game. Just the music.) https://twitter.com/TechGeoDragon/status/1558700482851491840?t=cQ8IcuSiOyRlysDSXyJSmQ&s=19

Dragon GEO

Game is d4dj. Music is good. But I dont represent ether I am only a person who enjoys the sound.

Dragon GEO

Player who enjoys tapping along with the beat. (Think guitar hero cute girl addition


Safe travels king of kittens! Whether you squeeze in drawing time or not I wish you safe travels and a fun trip! We’ll all be here to swoon over your art skillz whenever you get back home. :D


Safe travels, and be careful not to run over your tail with the chair !


Have a safe trip!


Safe Travels. Enjoy the Family Time.


Awww i just renewed too do that mean I don't get to see anything new? Also be safe and have a good time.