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After various reviews of a few inconsistencies in the comic, I had to choose the most minimal edit that I could find to fix some timeline things in the works that escaped my thoughts at the time of drawing...

For the story theorists, I'm sorry to throw a wrench in your ideas.

(In the portrait, the father, Keith, originally had a cut ear. But now should have both his ears intact for the Photo.)

There were other ideas, but fixing this one portrait (on page 11 of Friday Mornings) is necessary. Hope it's not too much a bother.

Colored this up for you all as hopefully an apology. ^^

Expect another post soon!




How old are they supposed to be here?


a portrait showing another time, a time of peace and love as well as unity. Well, love is still there but in another form


this is so damn wholesome and sweet, I'm not crying you are


But hey that’s just a theory. A LYNX theory. XD


Sooo Cunnin! Thanks BK!



Beloran Creations

Damn, i never thought mom would have dark fur, and damn, does it suit her. Also Keith... did you let your wife do your hair? Is that how you lost your ear? Lol.


Would you believe this is first time me coloring him? Even I hate it xD i dont wanna keep doing retcons. But may add more dark to top of head so not just a patch.

Dragon GEO

Such a lovely story. I can't wait for the weekend.