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Hello one and all.

First off I wanna thank the many who have reached out with messages asking how I've been last month & half. Can't thank you guys enough for the support for all the hectic things been going on on this end.

Leading from that, would also like to apologize for the silence. I'm not one to complain publicly when am down for the count, but this past month and some really threw me a curve ball.

Long story short.
-Got Flu (not covid) but knocked me out a week or so
-recovered (yay!)
-Rest of fam got sick, (boo) leaving me to be now their caretaker
-Soon after recovered, family came from out of country and dropped off some covid. (dont blame them but oof)  
-whole house now covid positive (including me) Am lucky no one is in a severe state so far and hopefully stays that way.

So that's where I currently am at. Head and limbs feel like i haven't slept for a week, but otherwise am functional! Am not one to normally point out when sick, but I am so low energy, it feels like an artist burnout, but this isn't a mental state, but a physical one. So all above isn't an excuse to leave yas in the dark, but think I'm just gonna overload if I don't let you guys know where I'm at.

So am releasing the overdue tiers for this past month in the messages in a few minutes and hope you enjoy. They are low compared to what I was hoping, but really was strapped for time this past month or so and drew what i could.

I am planning on kicking this covid asap and getting on to next chapter of the comic as soon as I can! Also expect a mini package of some edits of old comic pages. I have to address some continuity earrors that have been well overdue.

Thank you all so much for your patience and let me know any feedback you may have.

PS: I also have been discussing with some friends ideas to bring to the patreon that can give you guys more from my tiers. Any ideas you think are a good idea I am more than welcome for messages/suggestions!

Thanks again and hope you all are doing well on your end!





What a coincidence. I got covid last week too! I highly recommend getting the antiviral paxlovid if you can swing it. It'll require a prescription and finding a pharmacy that carries it can be a pain. I had to employ copious amounts of googlefu to find it. Your mouth will taste like a toxic waste dump for 5 days, but it will work. catch: you have to start taking it within 5 days of showing symptoms or it doesn't work.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Commiserations. I had Covid for the entire month of January. Then when it finally left, I spent 2 weeks in the hospital for an unrelated (but probably aggravated by Covid) blood reaction


Get well soon


Yarp, covid's an asskicking... hope you come out of it okay! Take it easy, if you can! (I had it start giving me a whupping while I was at work, and I've not been the same since. 😬 Gotta give your body the best chance of fighting it off, rather than trying to power through!)


Heal BK We'll be here.


Take all the time needed and get well soon. Same goes for your family!


Hope you get better soon. Love the recent sketches of Seb and Sarah. You can call collections like that 'afternoons' haha. Keep up the good work


Get well soon!


Take all the time you need, and do not rush or push yourself. Take care, and glad you are recovering. Hope the rest of the family is on the upswing also.