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Hello everyone on this fine... wednesday. 

Busy last weekend so apologies for this past weekends page showing up a few days late. However didn't want it to lapse and be a page behind for this upcoming weekend! So appreciate the patience you guys have. (aka you're awesome) 

Getting close to the end of this chapter, Hoping to push through last few pages soon, just am carefully considering what needs be said and what will lead to what for next chapter (gasp continuation revealed!) 

Either way, just wanna say how much all your support on this project has been helping keeping it exciting. :) I enjoy reading all your comments, positive and negative whenever I can and just can't thank you guys enough. ^^

Hope you are enjoying it just as much!

Patreon rewards are usually the first weekend of the month, and apologies for the wait on this one, but the past weekend was half personal and half work and there's a point where body just says 'no'. So took friends advice and rested sunday. Buuuuut, will have the rewards sent out by end of this week at latest. If evenings work out, hopefully sooner!

Thanks again and enjoy page :3




This comic is amazing and I'm happy to be a part of this community<3 Loving it 🥰


You work has been awesome. Can't wait to see how you continue this on to the next chapter.

Beloran Creations

Kinda hoping Keith figures out a way to improve his life. Dude seems like he's been through alot. Barely even sees his kids and they live in the same house.


Thats a good dad. Well, atleast one who is putting in the effort...


Had to re-read the last panel; almost made it seem like Kieth knew about them. Most likely just an innocent comment :3


I think the fact that he's said this out loud is going to be a good sign when later he finds out the truth. It'll help him find that compassion when he freaks out.


So...no sauce at ALL?!?!?!?!? The moments of no clothes was IT?!?!?!?