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Another page, another week!

This is the catch up of last week, so will do my best to have another done soon. Don't want to snowball and leave you all hanging a week behind, so am aiming to have next one done by tomorrow morning, but more realisting, tomorrow night at the latest.  

Thanks for all the support and patience as always! Hope the month is treating you all well. ^^




I know what its like to have life being "a hand full". So let me say I love your work and I won't pester ya because its always worth the wait. That and getting two pages within days from each other is like discovering you got a double scoop of ice cream to make up for no treat from the last time.

AquaWolfX 87

I’m really loving how adult the father’s perspective is. He’s dropping some real lessons on Seb


Please man, do not rush the story. There are plenty of inbetween intimate scenes, but what makes them special (awesome-leve of special!) Is story that wraps it up. I feel like im watching a movie, to be honest. Very entertaining! And touching too :)