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Friday Morning Post.... on a FRIDAY?!

Would say it froze over, but it really is cold af already up here @_@;;

Hope you all are keeping warm and you are enjoying the story!




She’s gonna either break down or get to a point where she’s had enough and tells folks to fuck off that don’t like it. She obviously wants the relationship and just doesn’t know how to handle it. I’m eager for the comic of them getting their shit together and giving the double bird to everyone and everything.

Steve O

There's that short sharp shock she needs.


This is quite the revelation to have while your vagoo is still hanging out.


I hope she takes this 'come to Jesus moment' to heart and calms down enough to try and think things through while she has the chance, 'cause her and Seb are probably gonna have to face the music sooner rather than later 👀


Came for the porn stayed for the story


I wonder who these "worse couples" were.