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Firstly, Happy New Year! Hope it was a good or warm one for you! (is -4 here)

The story continues! Enjoy the page! Alas, I need sleep so will talk soon!




Serah is being a tad ungrateful me thinks


Serah, I get it, you're super emotional right now, but for the love of God please don't be overly aggressive to the one person who can seriously mess your life up!


Right? Jayden is willing to talk this out and is signaling that she's willing to not get directly involved, that is a GIFT. Sarah has spilled the beans TWICE now, I hope she takes this opportunity to settle stuff down and actually try to fix something instead of letting her emotions make it worse.


I'm very curious what the giraffe's motives are here, and why she cares so much? I can't think of any reason why she would want to get involved especially after how rude Serah always is to her. Guess we'll see ;)


Serah needs to calm down and hear out this advice. Also, 'turn around'? She's already seen you completely nekked, bit late for that. XD