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First, really appreciate those who reached out to me. I can't thank enough, even if I can't reply to all of you! ^^

Just because I've had to type it out too many times; I have had a close family member have a stress induced break down, which led to them not taking care of themselves/eating well (not eating at all) which THEN led us to discover their untreated diabetes in the worst way possible; They're system shocked into a very dizzy/tired incoherent state that needs attention and care. 

I'm very sorry, but I don't think I can give a comic update this recent weekend, and appreciate all who have been understanding.

What I will be sending out very soon are the patreon tier rewards. For those new, they are sent via messages with links to the new directory of all past tiers. Thanks again for all your support!

Take care of yourself, even if you are putting on a face for the world, have someone you can talk to. Your mental health is half of your whole state. One affects the other so don't neglect it! Whether counselling, a friend, sleep or just giving yourself a mental break from work; make sure you take it even if don't feel you want to/can't/deserve etc. 




As someone who has gone through some incredibly difficult mental health issues the past couple years, I understand how important taking care of your mental health is, for both yourself and those who love you. You take all the time you need. We’ll be here for you. Cheers, mate.


John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." As much as we love the comics and the series, this absolutely takes precedence. Stay focused on this and you'll be back to drawing incestuous lynx-type siblings before you know it.


Take care and just love them.


Family First BK. We'll be here when you have gotten things squared away.


yes, care for your family and take all the time needed !


Use all the time you need, family comes first.


family first go help your family