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Can't thank you guys enough! I never mention names cuz some people prefer NOT having their names posted etc, (i tried navigating that minefield in past, ended bad) but YOU know who you are, and THANK YOU. ^^



Pony Stark

That's a kissable face. Do it Morissa...

Pony Stark

I'll give you five dollars if you do an "idiot sandwich" edit


However you choose to interpret the fade to horizon I guess.


This feels like the same cliffhanger from the previous chapter. I was hoping we'd get an actual reveal here. What does "disappear" even mean in this context? Does Serah blame herself for a divorce? Does she think her mom walked out because of her? Is Serah a werelynx and killed her mom during an episode? Is she a failed magician that couldn't make her mom "reappear" after a trick gone awry? I need answers...


I really love your Sheep, will she get some story, love, naughty fun too?`Maybe with the twins :O