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Hello! Some of you may have just read a page I posted from Mornings comic!

please kindly delete it as I successfully wrote myself into a corner with it. :P  

Will re-release the page in few hours more coherent.

Apologies for confusion. 


AquaWolfX 87

Happens. Thanks for letting everyone know ^^


Definitely leaves me curious to see what the original page was


it's still canon technically. Just rushed the convo a bit too much trying to keep compact but missed out on some important points. Will have new post up soon!


Rip, I was too slow

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I would suggest keeping a copy of the original page and including it at the end as a sort of "end-credits blooper" thing at the end. ;)


I'm a writer. If you ever need to bash a story into shape, feel free to message me. I love the story and would love to help if you need it.