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So for those who didn't notice, I clicked the wrong tier while posting the most recent page, and the 10+ tier's weekly comic page preview went public. (that's my fault) Will work on NOT doing that again.

SO, since i flubbed, this is actually good timing with a scrapped page I'm no longer finishing. This was gonna be next weeks page (page 14), but I cut it out cuz decided it really doesn't move the story forward. (if this page was taken out, the story would still go smooth onto the next page) So will give it to you guys as a bonus! (a new different page will be next week!)

The way I approach conversations between characters is trying to imagine what would be the natural progression of their dialogue, instead of just shoehorning in what get's from A to B as fast as possible. It has it's pros and cons.

On one side it will help flesh out the characters more and not just be a...

"oh hello!"
"I seem to have lost my pants, I think we need to remedy this!"
"Here, let me remove mine! now the story is progressing!"

...kind of story.

And instead get more believable reactions to situations, giving time for characters to process what/who they just did.

On the other side, too much of it and things don't progress very far. There's a balance I'm still learning. I'm pretty new to any writing prior to this comic, but do like characters that are believable. (ironically in a cross-species-able furry world) So hopefully people are enjoying it so far. ^^ (And i have my co-writer Cerwyn helping dial me back from the bad ideas, so the plot holes aren't TOO deep) :P  

So enjoy the preview that never was! Can pretend it's a 13.5 page that doesn't affect the story if you like, haha.




AquaWolfX 87

It’s a delight to read and hear about your thought process while working on your various pieces. For both the insane and comedic ❤️. Stay true to your art and we are happy to be along for the ride


Morissa is a top-tier friend.


I like this scrapped page


I like, how Morissia counts back, but I'm agree that there isn't much stuff happening there. I'm excited what the next page will bring. ;)


You could always post this page as a bonus! I totally love seeing Morissia counting counting down with her fingers.