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Hello all!

Here with a catch up post for now, This page was originally for last week, but had been delayed due to work overload and packing! (am moving first week of august)
Moving not too far, but hoping better living standards from here on! (am going from 7mbps to 500mbps internet. :0 excited)

None of this would even be possible without the help from you! I can't thank you enough for your support of my art and the comics. :3

Will be aiming for this weeks proper page (10) either tomorrow evening or sunday, Will update when I can! (bed hunting tomorrow, so will do best to get home for art quickly!)





You know papa lynx (do we know his name?) Has a pretty good head on his shoulders, but I wonder how he'd act if he knew the truth.


Pg 10 was projected to be posted this pasted weekend, what's the delay?


On page 10, 3rd panel of Wednesday Morning, you can see that his name is Keith when he opens his wallet to give Seb some money.