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A bit late but another page! Enjoy!

Hope you guys been doing well.
Can't believe it's already summer. :0

new posts soon! thanks as always!




Aw, poor Seb D: And that's a mood, I know pretty well how it feels to text someone you fell for and they don't respond ;-;

Pony Stark

"No one else is gonna deal with the fact Dad just said 'language'?"


I need new pages everyday, I'm so curious where this is going. Black Kitten, you're a masterful writer to have sucked us all in like this.


Credit where it is due that this is a collab with Gehenna for writing the story arc. ^^ But thank you! Wish could draw daily but I work, draw, (sometimes sleep) so can only put in so much time how things are these days. But will keep at it!