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Hello patrons!

So for anyone new, the typical plan has been at end of the month, whatever art I've accumulated I would post in a link to hand out to my patrons!

Feedback has been mixed, I found. Pix I draw in first week sit quiet for few weeks before posted to you guys. And Commissioners will always get their art right away and probably post it, lol.

So have been looking for new ways to post my stuff.

How do you all feel with me instead just dropping pix directly on here whenever a picture is done? It will be somewhat sporratic, but a way for you guys to see my arts right when I make them! And for the top tier, the doodle pages for now will still probably be at end of month since they take a bit to gather and clean up. (some are on layers between other pix etc.)

So how do you all feel with this as plan going forward? I'll do best to make habit of dropping off art here before the digital ink on the art is dry!

I'm always open to suggestions on how to interact with you guys. Let me know anything you guys think!





I'd just like to see more of your work when I can <3


Dooo eeettt it will make more "ooo look at that" times in the month rather then one bigun time


Sounds good! I'll get to see you more rather than potentially missing the one-off post


Frequent posting is ALWAYS better IMHO