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Some weeks just take all the energy out of ya. Had quite a few things pile up and dump on weekend so apologies for newest page being a day or so late. But is now up to date!

Please note there was a one-week gap between handing out weekly pages for the Mornings series. This weeks gap is the $1-3 tier. (No page for you this week sorry!) So normal for higher tiers, and will pick back up to regular routine the following week!

PS: The Mountain Dew project was a success!! Thanks so much to everyone who offered help! Chosen helper has gotten a sketch done as a gift so pays to help fellow Eorzeans~ :3

PPS: (PSS?): As much as I love sharing art with yas every week, I'm looking to take a vacation week in July. Just get a breather from work and art and do some crazy stuff like touch grass or go for a walk. :P
Just a heads up and hope can understand!





Rubs BK’s tummy. Scritches behind His ears. There! All better!


Let me know if you need anything else!!!!