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For those in 20 tier know, Saturday chapter is complete!
I can go on forever how much I appreciate all the support I've been given, both here and in comments and messages etc. It all is really appreciated and are such motivators to keep going. :3

Moving on to next chapter, I'm gonna be greedy and ask for a week off on page posts, so I can refocus the story for Sunday (spoilers, aaaah)

But will be back with all new content right after!

Thanks again so much keeping this project alive! <3





I was kinda surprised that there wasn't "End of Saturday" on that last post in the 10 dollar tier. Take all the time you need, I'm excited for Sunday. I hope our favorite Zebra lady can bring the family together (And hopefully join it perhaps?)


Still 1 page left for 10 tier! The pause will be for 20 tier this week, then next week will be 10 tier (after last page there) Am staggering it this way so I still get a breather, and not holding up the story for those waiting for last page of Saturday. Hope it makes sense ^^


How DARE you ask for some rest. I pay you an entire McDonalds happy meal + mcflurry per month, sir, and I expect you to work on yourself to death for it. Morrisa pinup. Chop-chop.


The story was great, it's gonna be fun to see how the next chapter rolls along, also hoping the next chapter is just Seb and Serah alone all day so they can spent all day bonding.

Pony Stark

Next chapter; they go to church. That's it. That's the whole plot. Hey now, there's a whole empty shelf below that one; we better be getting another week with the twins!

florre wes

Cant wait for sundays. You have done more than earned a break and i hope the comic will go on


Love’n the work!


Just really feel the desire to echo things here that I've mentioned in the past - As this story has seemed to have gotten placed in one of the more special positions in the fandom in terms of narrative, personally I really feel future series would be done the best service if they had a more intentional/organic time structure. So where this series kind of spawned essentially accidentally, where the narrative flow was literally just meant to depict the flow of a morning and then kind of had the next morning tacked-on in an ad-hoc way (of course not to diminish the steadily and continuously improving writing over time), when starting something new it can instead have the hindsight of being produced over a longer term, and so be given a far, far more accommodating and flexible time structure. Which in turn then makes it much easier to create a considerably richer narrative than can reasonably be fit into the current (again, technically accidental) consecutive-day structure, which I feel would only really be of benefit to both you (and Cerwyn, if he's still actively contributing) and everyone else.


Yeah It did start abruptly, and originally never was meant to drag out this far. But regardless, it somehow stuck well with people well and grew. If had to start over, the pacing would be more organic. But honestly, I think I grew and learned a lot while working on it, so is hard to say. So hopefully I add those learned skills to future stories after this one. ^^ whether with new characters, or continuing with these ones.


*just want to make a little apology here as I feel my choice of words do still read a little like devaluing the series, despite attempting to make an assurance against it - it's so great that you managed to create such a story from its initial conditions, and I'm really happy that enough others saw it the same way to help it grow as much. I had only meant to say that now you're coming up to the opportunity to start 'fresh', you have the leeway to employ the hindsight of the initial formatting mismatch, which gives you much more freedom as a writer. And the audience get a much more adaptive and dynamic story for its length as a result ❤


No need to apologize. I've had help keeping the story on track, as the first draft didnt even have tuesday in mind, let alone a series. And you don't get better unless you review And see where you can improve. So positive Criticism is always welcome


hope it keeps going past sunday lets get monday week 2!

