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Summary: Cara, a 20-year-old college student, had the wildest night of her life. Unbeknownst to her, she has been impregnated by an alien species. The alien grows and feeds off of arousal, so any time she get aroused, the alien grows. The alien has a 12-month gestation period and Cara must try her best to abstain from any sexual activities or anything that arouses her. The amount of arousal will affect size of the alien offspring, but it will still take 12-months until birth. Idea submitted by Jacob.
Contains: Female: belly expansion, alien pregnancy, breast expansion, stuffing, lactation, and more.

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Her heart was racing, her mind spinning in countless, dizzying scenarios.

Cara tried to remain calm. She was cool and composed. She didn’t freak out like someone crazy and hormonal. She wasn’t that type of girl.

She did her best to wash up, using the spray from the showerhead while staying seated on the edge of the tub, standing only for a short while at the end while gripping onto a soap rack to stay balanced. Thankfully the tub floor was textured, which helped eliminate any risk of her slipping from the absurd proportions of her body.

She kept her mind blank as she washed the mud off. She felt like collapsing by the time she was drying off what she could reach of her swollen dimensions, then squeezing into some panties, a bandeau, and a fluffy white bathrobe that didn’t come close to accommodating her. It hung off her shoulders and down her back, held wide open by the monstrous swell of her belly, which Cara was certain was indeed bigger than the rest of her.

She was still panting. She never seemed to stop, perpetually breathless and overheated, feeling ready to pass out. It was truly remarkable that her organ systems were even capable of supporting such a massive growth. Of course, this was an alien pregnancy, and likely so advanced that it did not cede to the limitations of human biology.

When Cara opened the bathroom door, Amber was waiting there, as promised. She stood leaning on the wall with her arms crossed. Though still dirty and disheveled, it appeared that Amber had managed to wipe off a lot of the mud – using Jessica’s favorite cardigan, apparently. The cardigan was rumpled and muddied, bunched into a ball and discarded in the corner.

“Let’s get you to bed,” Amber said, slinging Cara’s arm around her shoulders. Cara did her best to waddle along the hallway while leaning on Amber for support, her jaw clenched from the effort.

As they passed the living room, they came upon a surprising sight that made both women pause.

Jessica was there. She was facing Lor while breathing heavily, an intense look in her eyes. She looked rather crazed, standing completely naked, her blonde hair long and messy. Cara could not help noticing how Jessica’s figured had changed in recent days, now curvy and voluptuous. Some might even call her a bit plump.

“My body is primed and ready,” Jessica declared as she advanced on Lor, who in turn appeared entirely puzzled.

“Pardon?” he said.

Jessica pounced on him.

Peeper snorted.

What the hell? Cara mouthed, but she could not stop to stare. She was relying on Amber for balance, the redhead still shuffling and straining to usher Cara along the hallway. Amber seemed all but interested in what was going on in the living room.

Cara could not deny what a relief it was to ease herself down in her bed. It felt as though it had been ages since she’d been lazily sprawled in the comfort of her room. Amber’s soft body curled alongside her only magnified the perfection of the moment.

They could hardly reach each other for a kiss. Cara hoped that her chuckle was sheepish rather than unnerved. She rested her hand against the huge, firm orb of her belly, which was lying against the mattress before her, in all its outlandish massiveness. It was so round, so warm, and full to the brim, her passenger squirming gently inside it. Bizarrely, it served as a barrier, placing several feet of distance between Cara and Amber.

Breathing deeply, Cara marveled at the globe, truly stunned that this could all be her body. When had things shifted into such surreal territory?

“God, you’re beautiful,” Amber murmured as she lay her palm flat against the face of Cara’s orb.

Cara forced a smile. “You’re gorgeous,” she countered. Cara playfully extended her leg and managed to graze Amber’s with her toe as she finally allowed her eyes to drift closed.


When waking up beside someone as sexy as Amber, a bit of friskiness was unavoidable.

“Fuck, I’m close,” Cara whimpered. She had been repositioned, her back now propped up against several pillows, the weight or her immense abdomen pressing hard against her. Her thighs were spread wide and quavering as she panted. “Amber…” she said faintly. “M-maybe we should sto—”

She was cut off by her own groan, her body shuddering as her loins pulsed. Pressure bloomed in that electrifying, addictive sensation. Her throat arched as her flesh burned and strained, lurching and jerking as it got tighter—impossibly tight. Cara wailed, her nipples squirting milk as the overwhelming weight of her own body pressed even harder against her.

She wheezed for air, scrabbling feebly. Amber surfaced and quickly helped turn her onto her side. The redhead looked vaguely amused as Cara steadily caught her breath. “Oh god, that was good,” Cara gasped out after several moments.

“I try,” Amber responded, her grin wicked.

Amber’s gaze on her was absent, but unwavering, the two simply smiling at each other. With half-lidded eyes, Amber stroked the side of Cara’s face with her wonderful, skillful hands. She leaned down, planting a wet kiss at the top of Cara’s belly, just below her breasts. Cara’s eyelids fluttered. “Stop,” she groaned through a weary grin.

Amber blinked up at her. She straightened out, tilting her head in question.

“You know what you’re doing,” Cara laughed breathlessly.

“I can’t help it,” Amber countered, again gently stroking whatever she could reach of Cara. “You’re amazing.”

“Even so,” Cara quipped, sliding an elbow beneath her, pressing it against the mattress. “We have to stop.” Her grin became an awkward one, chest heaving up and down. The heat and weight of her body was practically suffocating.

Now Amber frowned. “We’re just having fun. Why are you getting so uptight?”

“Seriously?” Cara said incredulously. She motioned at herself. It was all that needed saying. “Let’s take a break.”

Amber stiffened, Cara wincing at her own remark. Perhaps “break” hadn’t been the best word.

“You know what I mean,” Cara elaborated. “My body needs a break, I feel like I'm about to pop.

“Who cares?” Amber said. She dug into her purse on the nightstand, eventually retrieving a crooked cigarette. She stuck it in the corner of her mouth, unlit. “You’re having a fucking alien baby. This whole thing is sci-fi as fuck, and it’s really fun, so why don’t we just —”

Cara shoved off Amber’s hand that had casually wandered up to cup her breast. “You should go,” Cara said coldly.

Amber scowled. “Fine.” She stood.

Cara averted her eyes. “Anyway, I should check on Greg,” she mumbled as she reached out towards the box set beside the bed, the one with the clothes Amber’s cousin had sent. She pulled a white cotton piece off the top. It was a very large, customized blouse. Cara did her best to pull it around her shoulders, then started to button it down, curious of whether it would fit her.

“Oh, of course. Can’t forget about dear Greg,” said Amber bitterly.

Cara had managed to close the buttons over her chest and upper belly but remained oblivious of whether or not the blouse actually fit, being that she couldn’t seem to even reach the lower buttons. Her belly outspanned her arms, and her fingers had no hopes of reaching far enough to close them. Cara’s hands twitched, then balled into fists.

“It’s not like that,” she said, returning to the thread of conversation. “You know I don’t have feelings for Greg anymore. Besides, he’s completely weirded out by me.” Cara started to navigate her feet into a pair of panties, doing her best to drag them up her plump hips. The sheer process was exhausting, and Amber wasn’t exactly helping.

Amber was roughly pulling on her own clothes. “Good thing you have me to settle for,” she said sarcastically.

“What are you even…” This argument was stupid. Cara didn’t want to deal with it. “Amber, we’re not even, like, actually dating. This is just some fun. I mean—you’re fucking crazy,” she said it as if this was all clear and obvious.

Amber flipped her the bird as she headed for the door. She paused to roughly kick over a lamp, then walked out.

“Very mature!” Cara called after her as she furiously tried to shift her ass to the edge of the mattress. She rocked back and forth, gripping the headboard as well as the nightstand. She pressed her feet firmly against the floor, grunting with every sway as she tried to stand. It took several attempts before she managed to lift her weight with a roar of effort. She groaned, clutching whatever she could of her belly as she staggered forward, her breathing labored. Both sides of her belly grazed the doorframe as she slowly navigated the globe through, allowing it to precede her into the living room.

Cara was minutes late to whatever scene was transpiring, Amber scowling as Lor and Jessica climbed up from behind the couch, both of them now naked.

Amber put her hands on her hips as she shamelessly appraised their bodies.

“Human sex has become quite the indulgence,” Lor noted as he absently scratched his muscled chest. “Much appreciated, earthling.”

But Jessica was looking ill. She trudged toward the kitchenette on the opposite side of the room, but came to a wobbly stop in front of Amber.

Amber’s sneer curled. So did her fist. “What is it, fatty? Wanna pick up where we left off?”

Jessica opened her mouth and puked – light and sound — a jarring cacophony that was nearly blinding as it illuminated Amber in a pearlescent glow, for just that moment, before Jessica covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes wide in shock.

“What the fuck!” Cara spat, as Lor quirked a brow.

Her eyes going cross, Amber swayed. She gripped onto the back of the couch and managed to remain standing. Then she lightly shook herself as she straightened, turning her attention back to Jessica.

“Sloppy whore,” Amber remarked, stalking towards the door as though nothing unusual had occurred. She left the apartment, slamming the door so violently behind her that Cara’s framed photo of toilet-kitten fell right off the wall.

Greg awoke with a snort. He wildly looked around. “Where am I!?” he demanded.

Cara leaned against the wall, already tired from the few moments that she had been standing.

Weird fucking day.


Cara felt on edge. She was slumped on the living room couch, continually fidgeting and shifting beneath the incredible weight of her orb squashing down against her thighs and torso.

Lor and Greg had left, Jessica retreating to her bedroom. As exhausted as Cara was, she didn’t think she could rest. She was too uneasy, too worried about the immensity of her body. On top of that, the light-vomit had really weirded her out. This was the second incident of the strange occurrence, yet Cara couldn’t figure out what it meant.

“Hey,” Jessica’s voice pulled Cara out of her reverie.

Cara looked up to see her roommate standing in the living room. She had put on some jean shorts and a bra, at least. “Do you feel weird?” Jessica asked, her cheeks flushed, and her arms folded over her abdomen. “I feel weird and…” She trailed off, her lips pressing as her eyelids fluttered and her nose scrunched. She hugged her abdomen harder because it was —

“Fuck,” Cara breathed.

Jessica’s stomach pushed out, just a little, the growth spurt giving it a hint of round firmness that one might associate with early pregnancy.

“What the fuck!?” Jessica cried, dropping her arms to stare down at herself. She started to tremble. “Oh my god, what’s happening!?”

“Jessica, calm down!” Cara said, her mind racing. She hadn’t thought that — well, hadn’t Lor said that Cara had been the first? That he’d been unable to impregnate any other humans? But now this, and — and the light, and — “I have to speak to Amber,” Cara breathed, picking up her phone from beside her and quickly calling the redhead in question.

The call went directly to voicemail. Cara tried again, to the same effect. She breathed heavily, trying to think. She would have to go after her. Amber was probably at work or her apartment. Cara would simply have to find her.

She impatiently tried to get up, groaning from the effort, but not managing to lift her ass even an inch off the couch. Cara sank back, gasping for breath. Then she wondered how this would work out, practically. Would she even be able to fit into a cab?

She would have to find someone with a van, maybe, someone who could help shove her in and get her out, and then…the logistics just got more complicated the more she thought.

Slowly, Cara looked back up at Jessica. “You have to find her!”

Jessica was still gawking down at herself. She lifted her gaze, blinking at Cara. “What?”

“You have to go get Amber,” Cara reiterated.

“Are you nuts? That woman is homicidal!” Jessica snapped. She grimaced a little, her hands cupping her belly. “Ohh…it feels weird.”

Cara hardly refrained from rolling her eyes at the other girl. It was hardly anything, barely even showing. Jessica was always so fucking dramatic. “This is serious, Jess. Something really weird is going on, and I think it’s contagious. You have to find Amber so we can figure this out. Or do you want to end up like me?” Cara motioned at the massive orb overtaking her body, which chose that moment to give a quake and gurgle that left Cara arching and clutching it. Her eyelids fell and her lips formed in “O” while she struggled, truly struggled, not to be turned on by the sensations reverberating through her.

The threat was enough to turn Jessica pale. “What’s the address?” she breathed as she stared on in morbid fascination.

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