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Note: This is a story-prompt for Heathen.

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Months passed.

Jake continued to experience the strange black-outs. He also kept attending appointments with Geller even though every fiber of his being was against the very notion. He was beginning to accept his complete loss of autonomy, his mind helpless to the effects of the hypnotherapy. He honestly didn’t know if he even wanted to fight it. He had come to enjoy the lack of hard decisions in his life. And he didn’t think he could abandon the potent feeling of pleasure that now overwhelmed everything else.

Jake also could no longer denied that he was now a woman, both physically and anatomically. He did not know when it had occurred, and could hardly make sense of it. But he was. Even if he still resisted the concept at times. He was a man in his head, if nowhere else.

Jake released a loud belch.

He smacked his lips, his hand scratching his uncomfortable flank.

Several months had passed, and somehow his transformation was still underway. His hands cupped his swollen abdomen with uncertainty. His lips twisted at another uncomfortable wiggle of sensation.

An empty gallon-sized container of eggnog lay on its side on the coffee table. Nonalcoholic. Even though it was past the holidays, Jake couldn’t get enough of the stuff. He just loved the sweet, creamy flavor.

He continued to absently massage his churning stomach. It was still hard to believe how huge he had become. By then, he probably looked as though he was pregnant, and pretty far along. Due, even. It was a bit unsettling.

At least Tom seemed to like it.

Jake had been spending a lot of time with Tom lately. Even at that moment, Jake was seated in Tom’s spacious living room. Jake couldn’t recall the last time he had been at his own apartment, but it must have been a while. Before he had gotten so…out of shape. Jake wasn’t even certain that he had a place anymore. He hadn’t paid rent in a while. Probably not for several months.

But that was okay, because he had Tom. The two of them got along quite well.

It was kind of funny. Jake had never taken the job he had applied for. He could have, but this set-up seemed better. It was easy enough to just hang out at Tom’s house all day and all night, eating and drinking as much as he wanted.

There was a gurgling sound. Jake shifted in discomfort. By then he was used to the heaviness and pressure that continually filled his body. Sometimes he was greeted by odd prodding sensations from inside him. They made him blink and redden as he tried to ignore them.

His stomach rumbled. Jake moaned, rubbing both sides of it. The swell would wait no further.

Jake reached out, managing to grab hold of the large box of doughnuts on the coffee table, before dragging it over.

He began to chomp away happily, icing and custard gushing into his mouth every time he took a bite of one of the icing-covered indulgences. It was delicious. So was everything that Tom provided for him.

Jake perked at the sound of the front door opening. Was Tom home already? His body warmed just at the thought.


Another several months passed.

Jake had only gotten more massive. Impossiblymassive.

His belly was a momentous dome of a protrusion, bulging out from his form, flushed and heaving. Sometimes it trembled as Jake grunted and squirmed, trying to bear the overwhelming pressure that filled him; that made him feel like he could split right open. It was like something was trying to escape him, tunnel forward and out, growing and shifting. But rather than succumbing to the insane pressure, his belly only grew to accommodate.

There was seldom a moment that Jake wasn’t red and panting, sweat rolling along his curvaceous body. He kept his legs spread wide, making way for his massive abdomen. He thought that it resembled a boulder, it’s girth on its own probably close in mass to the rest of him.

This didn’t fare well for his breasts, each mound the size of a basketball, pushed high by the shelf that his belly served beneath them. They squashed against his chin, sometimes even trying to suffocate if he dozed against them. Often Jake just gripped the back of the couch, arching to exploit what space he could on his body. Bed was usually better, where he could be sprawled back against several pillows for support, panting as he gazed wearily at the ceiling until he had to shift the uncomfortable weight off his pelvis.

Admittedly, there wasn’t a comfortable position left for him. But he tried to make do. Because something deep inside truly lovedthis. It must have been the hypnotism.

“God you look good,” Tom murmured as he walked in.

Jake hiccuped, his belly giving a forceful quake. He groaned as his nipples started seeping.

“Got a surprise for you.” Tom winked.

Food. It was always food. Jake nodded eagerly. He wanted Tom to feed him. His belly grumbled loudly just at the thought.

Tom came over, gazing fondly at Jake’s form. At the monstrous globe squashing Jake there, the mound that Jake was merely attached to rather than it being the other way around.

Tom cupped the swell with his hands. Jake moaned, his eyes fluttering as pleasure coursed through his veins.

“Fuck, you’re perfect. You’re my dream girl. To think, you walked right into my life. Ripe for the taking.”

Sometimes life still felt like a dream. Hypnotism had carried into reality, changing Jake’s body.

Jake nodded, still straining to contain all the pressure inside of him. It felt like it could explode outwards at any moment. “It’s perfect,” he choked out as Tom leaned down to kiss him.

One way or another, the treatment had served its purpose.


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