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A beleagered and underpaid clerk by day, Lyla is doing the thankless work of at least three people at her job. By night she is an aspiring witch. Well, kind of. She's only ever read about spells and rituals until now, as she decides to summon and bind an imp to her service to help with her staggering workload. At first the summoning ritual seems to yield nothing...until, that is, her belly swells and she unexpectedly births her newly indentured demonic servant from the portal now rooted within her womb. Contains: demonic pregnancies, birth, eventual multiples, lactation, magical shenanigans. Idea by Chel.

Previous Chapter 


By the time Lyla got to the bathroom, she was feeling flustered, sweaty, and strangely constricted. Her body was just uncomfortable somehow. She wondered if she was having lingering side-effects of the spell. As her stomach heaved, her eyes went wide, and she hurried into a stall just in time to kneel down to the toilet and vomit.

She groaned once it was over, her arms leaning against the toilet seat. She looked down into the bowl expecting to see the mangled resurgence of her lunch, but instead found herself staring at glowing purple water.

“Eugh.” So weird! Likely her body was still recovering from her earlier use of magic. Lyla reached out and flushed the toilet before gingerly climbing up to her feet.

As she exited the stall, she found herself cupping her chest, which felt unexpectedly tingly and also...fuller. Bloated a little. It seemed like a hormonal fluctuation, but her period wasn’t due for another two weeks.

Lyla approached the sink and washed her hands. No one else was in the bathroom, so as she studied herself in the mirror, she tried to adjust her bra, grimacing at the way the cups pinched into her flesh. She shifted, wondering why her whole outfit felt so uncomfortable all the sudden. Lyla ran her hands along her torso, only then truly taking notice of how bloated she was. Really bloated, her belly so round that her blouse had gotten tight while the waistband of her skirt was cutting into her waist. Lyla untucked her top and stared, her lips moving wordlessly…


She turned to her side, gawking in both horror and fascination at what was clearly a pregnancy as her hands ran over the swell in disbelief. When had this even happened? Why hadn’t she noticed? She looked as though she was five months pregnant!

A button popped off her blouse, leaving a diamond-shaped opening. Lyla gripped the sink as she suffered a wave of dizziness. Her insides bubbled with an audible gurgle. Lyla clutched her stomach, groaning as the bloated sensation escalated to a feeling of being stuffed. She felt as though she had just eaten a huge meal then gone back for seconds.

Lyla perked at the sound of footsteps in the corridor outside. Thankfully, they did not stop outside the bathroom, but continued down the hall until they disappeared. Lyla was reminded of where she was. Anyone could walk in at any moment.

She had to get out of there.

Lyla folded her arms over her belly, doing her best to conceal where she had lost a button. She shoved her way out of the bathroom, keeping her head down as she shuffled to her desk. Thankfully it was already after 6 o’clock, and not many workers were still around; it was only Lyla and a few others. “Sorry, gotta run,” she said as she grabbed her purse and jacket.

Reese looked up at her in surprise. “But Jim asked us to stay and finish registering the new accounts, and we still have to file—”

“It’s an emergency,” Lyla cut him off, now using her jacket to cover her abdomen, but he was still looking at her oddly. “I’ll do it at home. I’ll text you.” She was already backing away, moving towards the exit.

Reese opened his mouth as though to protest more, but Lyla didn’t give him the chance. She hurried through the threshold and out of the law office, down the main hall of the building, and to the elevator. She finally descended into the building’s garage. Breathless, she walked briskly to her car.

Rather than driving straight home, Lyla made a stop at a nearby convenience store. By then she had pulled on her jacket, but it didn’t close all the way on her. She felt jittery and disheveled as she made her way over to the cashier. Lyla's arms were hugging her stomach, trying to conceal it. She cleared her throat before managing to squeak out, “I’d like to purchase a pregnancy test.”

Her stomach lurched with another gurgling sound. Lyla’s face reddened as the pressure intensified.

The cashier looked as though he was in his late teens or early twenties, a baseball cap sitting backwards on his head. He gave her a long, deadpan stare, before finally grabbing a pregnancy test off the wall behind him and putting it on the counter. “Ten bucks,” he said as he chewed gum.

Lyla hastily paid. After a pause, she inquired, “Er…can I use your restroom?”

The cashier gave her another long stare then pointed at a door to the far left of the convenience store.

Lyla hurried to the bathroom. It wasn’t as dirty as she had expected it to be, instead looking aged but clean, as though it had not seen much traffic that day.

She was relieved to unclasp her skirt, which had gotten painfully tight by then. She sat down on the toilet while tearing open the pregnancy test. With clumsy hands, she reached down, pushing the test between her thighs and then beneath her. Just as she started to pee, she felt another surge of tension in her belly that caused her body to shudder. She lost her grip on the test, accidentally dropping it into the toilet.

“Fuck,” Lyla groaned, breathing heavily as she cupped her belly. She was stunned by how large and firm it felt. She stared down at it in shock, before wiping herself off, and making her way to the mirror over the sink.

Lyla studied her reflection as she washed her hands. By then, she looked as though she was seven months pregnant! This whole situation was insane! She could still feel the tension, the throbbing pressure lurking inside her, just waiting to peak yet again.

Breathing heavily, Lyla struggled to clasp her skirt. She could only manage to close the waistband entirely beneath her belly, where it sat awkwardly, sometimes slipping. This also left a few inches of her swollen flesh exposed, her blouse stretched to capacity and unable to cover all of it.

Lyla just tried to breathe, her skin flushed and hot. She made her way out of the bathroom and went back to the front counter, her hands fidgeting with her clothing. “I’ll take five more of those,” she said, nodding in the direction of the pregnancy tests on display.

The young man was veritably gaping at her swell. Then he looked at her as though she wasn’t quite right in the head. Nevertheless, he grabbed five pregnancy tests and put them on the counter. “Fifty,” he muttered.

What a rip-off. Lyla irritably started to pull out her credit card, but paused. “I’ll also take this.” She grabbed a large bag of chips off a rack nearby. “And this as well.” She picked up several candy bars, in addition to some other snacks, shoving it all onto the counter.

The young man just raised his brows, then started scanning the items. By the time he rang her up, the bill had doubled. Lyla paid then left the store with several shopping bags gripped in her clammy fists.

She hurried through the parking lot, ignoring the people walking by her, some appearing intrigued by her ill-fitting attire. Lyla quickly deposited the bags of junk food into the back seat of her car before clambering into the driver’s seat. She grimaced as she sat, registering the increasingly uncomfortable sensation of her tight belly pushing out on her torso, now starting to shelve her breasts and perch against her lap. She had just put her keys into the ignition when the pressure surged yet again.

“Nrrgghhh…” This time along with the tension, she could actually feel her belly pushing out, growing larger, as every muscle in her body braced against the unbelievable pressure. Three more buttons popped off her blouse in quick succession.

It only lasted a moment, but it left Lyla panting, her body damp with sweat. She frowned down at her swollen abdomen, which looked as though it had advanced another month in just the span of seconds.

Feeling jittery, Lyla started her car. She was stunned to find that her belly was big enough to press against the steering wheel. She adjusted her seat so that it was farther back, then started driving. She needed to get home. She stopped at a red light, and every moment that she waited felt like torture. She knew it was only a matter of time before she grew yet more.

At subsequent lights, Lyla would reach into the backseat to grab up snacks and candy bars, each which she hastily shoved into her mouth. At least it was a distraction. She thought she already looked as though she was eight months pregnant somehow. Lyla felt a strange squirming in her belly that surprised her so much that she accidentally slammed her elbow into the horn.

The driver in front of her stuck his hand out of his car window to offer a rude hand gesture.

Lyla sucked in a deep breath. She really was pregnant. Pregnant with another imp. Clearly the spell was still ongoing somehow – continuing to summon imps into Lyla’s own body. Maybe if she got home quickly enough, she could reverse this whole thing, and prevent any further magical mishaps.

So she kept driving, now stuffing handfuls of chips into her mouth when she wasn’t too overwhelmed or distracted. It had already been ten minutes and she just had ten minutes more of driving. It was difficult to keep her eyes on the road when every time she glanced down, she looked a little larger. Her belly felt as though it was pulsing, heat and pressure radiating through her. She felt unbearably tight, but she tried her best to hold on, grimacing and sweating as she puffed out her breasts.

“Haaaahh…haaaa…hoooo…haaaa…” Her groin felt hot. Hot and engorged, and by then she looked as though she was nine months pregnant. Lyla feared that the slightest bump in the road might set her off. She tried to drive slowly.

Lyla soon found herself stuck in traffic behind a new construction zone, the line of cars ahead of her inching forward at record slowness. She cursed under her breath, one of her hands cupping the round orb heaving against her. It had torn entirely free of her blouse: bare, round, and flushed. She could feel the pressure climbing. It was only a few more blocks to her house.

Cars honked at each other. Lyla was able to advance her vehicle a foot forward, but then she braked hard as the car in front of her abruptly stopped. She whined as she was jolted, her body arching as she hummed a moan. She could feel her body growing with subtle pulsations. By then she looked as though she was beyond term, overdue with child, and she didn’t know how much more she could handle. She grunted in surprise at a sudden clench of her stomach. She hoped it wasn’t what she thought… But then she could feel the sensation of wetness pooling beneath her. Lyla cursed through a sob.

Another contraction was quick to follow, rolling through Lyla as she struggled to breathe. She didn’t think that labor was supposed to happen nearly this rapidly. Yet she had no choice but to endure it as she continued to ease her car forward, blinking back the tears in her eyes, straining to not just collapse against her steering wheel. She threw her head back, wailing as the strongest contraction yet racked her body.

She just had to get home. She — she had to make it. She couldn’t birth this thing here. In her car. She couldn’t make it — but she had to. Just a little farther. Lyla struggled to hold on.

Her car finally cleared the construction zone. She sped the final mile to her house, veering recklessly through the quiet neighborhood, missing her driveway entirely to instead skid across her lawn.

She opened her car door with a shaking hand, hoping that none of her neighbors were around to see her. It wasn’t late, but at least the sun had set. The sky had darkened, but not quite enough to conceal her freak pregnancy, were someone to drive by or poke their head out of a house window.

Lyla was too uncomfortable to care for more than a fleeting instant. She heaved herself out of her car with a roar of effort, and held onto the metal frame, gasping for breath through the incredible pressure. Not bothering to close the car door, she attempted to stagger forward, but a new contraction left her whining, clutching her belly as her purse fell off her arm, miscellaneous items tumbling out of it.

She was so close. Lyla attempted another step towards her front door, but then her belly shuddered, causing her to nearly buckle, a strangled wail tearing out of her throat.

She ended up on her knees, trying to crawl. But she could already feel the creature deep in her body, wedged in her pelvis, pushing for release.

“Gyyaaaaahhh!” Lyla cried as it progressed, this creature feeling huge but plump, plumper than the last one.

Her insides spasmed as she pushed and strained, despite the burning ache of her body being stretched wider than seemed logical. Her fingers sank into earth as she grunted, her face burning hot. She pushed as hard as she could. She just wanted this to be over.

And then it was. A firm weight plopped onto the grass, her body suddenly lighter. “Ohhh…” Lyla breathed in a daze.

She saw her front door open to her surprise. There was Impy, standing there, frowning at her.

Her vision blurred around the edges.

And then there was blackness.

Next Chapter 



"Her insides spasmed as she pushed and strained, despite the burning ache of her body being stretched wider than seemed logical. Her fingers sank into earth as she grunted, her face burning hot. She pushed as hard as she could. She just wanted this to be over." This actually sounds soooo cathartic --- like she's finally giving in to the urge to push after soooo long stuck in the car. More like this. (And it's OK if the pushing scene takes even longer...! :wink wink:)