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Note: This is a story-prompt for Zee(mired). It is based on a plotline submitted previously by Smidgeon.

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Kathleen could hardly believe she was still only seven months along. She didn’t know how she was going to last another two months like this.

The five plump, overgrown babies squirmed continuously. She felt them constantly pushing and lurching, squeezing more of themselves inside of her.

“Ready?” said Jack. He was seated at her bedside, a huge bowl in his lap.

Kathleen was sprawled across the bed, propped upright by a mountain of pillows. She had been disinclined to get up that morning, feeling far too heavy and exhausted. She breathed heavily, her honeydew-sized breasts rocking with every breath.

Jack, being the good son-in-law that he was, was making sure that Kathleen was fully taken care of.

Today, that included feeding her. Kathleen didn’t have the energy to do it on her own—or so she said. It just seemed more prudent to let Jack feed her.

Kathleen nodded as she parted her lips, allowing Jack to place another heaping spoonful of buttery mashed potatoes into her mouth. She swallowed it down, pressing her lips to muffle her moan. It was so good; so deliciously creamy and heavy. Her breathing thinned, belly rising and falling, heaving against her.

It was just huge, this mound perched atop her, dwarfing the rest of her body and looking practically like a boulder where it towered over her. She felt as though it was pinning her against the mattress, but she didn’t have the energy to fight for relief.

Spoon after spoon was shoved between her lips, and when the mountain of mashed potatoes had all been gulped down into her overstuffed belly, Jack moved on to the next dish. They had already been at it for an hour. Kathleen whimpered as he pulled a tray of sliders over, the miniature hamburgers each oozing grease and cheese. Kathleen opened her mouth wide, taking the first one fully into her mouth.

By then, Kathleen had already gobbled her way through a box of custard donuts, four rolls of cookie dough, dozens of chicken nuggets and french fries all mixed together in a heap, and two extra-large sausage pizzas, each slice rolled up and methodically shoved into her mouth.

The pressure was increasing. Her belly felt tense and tight, her skin prickling as it quavered. She was soaked in sweat, truly straining as the pressure surged to higher and higher levels.

She wanted to grow for him. She saw the way he stared her belly. She knew he was obsessed with it, and she just wanted him to give in.

Jack swallowed hard, his adam’s apple bobbing. “That’s it,” he said hoarsely, his eyes drifting to the large pile of bowls, pans, and trays piled beside him on the floor. It must have been enough food to feed a banquet. “You actually ate it all,” said Jack, appearing a little dazed.

Her swell was throbbing, the pressure cumulating. It terrified her little, but she wanted to Jack to see; to delight in her expanding body. She wanted him to know that every inch that she grew was for his pleasure.

“Feel it,” she gasped out, taking his wrist and pressing his hand against her sweat-drenched skin. She tried to smile, but she was just so tight. Her insides lurched with movement, babies fretful and greedy. Growing and eating. “They’re getting — so — big!” Kathleen cried.

Her body heaved forcefully. Pushing and expanding as Kathleen arched and grew, throwing her head back and wailing.

Jack’s other hand shot out to join the first in holding her, savoring every inch that her belly shuddered forward and outward. Then he moved to sit beside her on the bed, pressing closer, his body against hers, his lips centimeters from making precious contact with her heated skin.

“I need you,” Kathleen rambled, tears streaming down her face. She felt inflated. Ready to burst. The growth spurt had mitigated, but she could tell that it wasn’t over. She could feel something heavier, something lurking and building deep inside of her. “God, Jack, p-please!”

All logic escaped them. It had to be the adrenaline, the hormones, the rampant desperation brewing between them. Jack held her tighter, leaning closer, submerging himself in the heat of her expansive body. He gave her things she hadn’t felt in years, pleasures she had thought were long behind her.


Kathleen awoke with a gasp.

She was sprawled in bed, a thin sheet draped over her. Her gaze moved to the naked man beside her, and she could hardly believe it hadn’t been a dream. She shifted, her face twisting at the latest pang of discomfort.

Jake awoke with a sleepy smile, his hand reaching out to idly rub the side of her belly. “You okay?”

“Mmmgghhh…” Kathleen hummed, her face reddening as pressure built anew. She clenched her jaw, shifting from the increasing discomfort. She grunted as her belly  jumped, feeling like a balloon ready to pop. It began to push outward. God, this was too much! She clutched what she could of it, as though to stop the growth; hold it in. But this surge of tension was more powerful than any of the others before it.

“Errrghhhh…” She spread her thighs, grunting and arching as her belly expanded, growing fuller; more packed than should have even been possible. The sheets slid away as she quavered, her skin stinging as sweat trickled along her flanks. She truly feared that the babies might tear right out of her. Her belly grew bigger than she was, its weight crushing against her thighs and pelvis as she squirmed beneath it, struggling to bear it, every muscle bracing against the tension racking her body.

When it was over Kathleen could hardly breathe, her hands feebly clasping at her swell as she moaned. Her eyes were cross, her mind feeling in shambles, hardly aware of the drool trailing along her chin. Her belly button bulged out the size of a golf ball. Her breasts resembled basketballs in girth, shoved into her chin by the shelf her belly made beneath them.

Jack cursed softly, his hands gliding over whatever he could reach her. Every touch of his hands felt heavenly.

“God, you look amazing,” he said.




I was waiting for this to boil over. Hope big mama gets so big she can’t move ;)


Hope Jack added a couple more to her belly ;) That would be a fun surprise when she eventually delivers