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Note: This is a story-prompt for Amara Rose.

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Matthew was overheated. His body felt as though it was pulsing.

His mind was spinning, and he could focus on little else than the overwhelming hunger that had taken over him. His younger siblings had left for school and Harrison had gone down to his lab, but Matthew remained in the kitchen. The fridge was stocked heartily, as it always seemed to be these days. And so Matthew indulged. He stuffed his face. There were so many of his favorite foods present and prepared, things that didn’t necessitate cooking, things that he could easily shove into his mouth. Even after just having a huge breakfast, his appetite was insatiable. It proved an overpowering force inside of him even as his stomach ached in protest.

Hours passed as Matthew mindlessly gobbled down whatever food he encountered. He was flushed and sweaty, breathing heavily between bites, feeling a bit frantic and exhausted as he forced down as much as he could, his jaw tired and his body trembling. He chewed on yet another heaping forkful of cold macaroni and cheese, following it with several of the double chocolate chip brownies Hannah had baked the day before.

Matthew didn’t know what was wrong with him, but he couldn’t stop. Even as he resorted to gulping down spoonfuls of butter and mayo, as he panicked internally, he could not regain control. He just had to keep stuffing his over-packed belly. To fill it more; fill it impossibly. Soon he was whimpering between bites, his belly painfully tight. One hand rubbed at his swollen abdomen and the lurching movements within. His other hand reached for the last item of food in the fridge — a large brick of cheddar cheese.

“Look at you. Just astounding.”

Matthew startled at the sound of his stepfather’s remark. He looked up to see the older man leaning on the kitchen door frame, watching him wryly.

Gasping for breath, Matthew took inventory of himself. He was drenched in sweat, his body heaving. His gut just looked huge now, his shirt straining against it. A glance at the clock told Matthew that he had been here most of the day. His siblings were due to return from school in the next half hour.

Even despite Matthew’s state of discomfort, a new form of hunger came to the forefront. Matthew felt flustered, dazed, and entirely beyond shame. “Why stop at looking? Come over here and fuck me.” The words came out hoarse and breathy.

Harrison raised an eyebrow, a wicked glint in his eyes.

“You did this to me,” Matthew went on, a bit desperate. “You owe me.” He hated how needy he was becoming.

Harrison’s lip curled. He uncrossed his arms.

Soon they were pressed closely, Harrison’s chest to Matthew’s back as Harrison’s hands cupped Matthew’s big swollen belly. He drew up Matthew’s shirt over the tight swell, exploring it roughly, and Matthew knew that even Harrison could now feel the strange nudging movements littering its surface.

“Look at how big you’ve gotten,” Harrison said as he fucked him. “You’re just going to get bigger. You’re gonna be huge,” he taunted with his thrusts, as Matthew struggled to hold on. Matthew couldn’t think about what that all meant. He tried not to imagine his belly inflating to twice or thrice its already formidable size.

When Harrison came, Matthew’s eyes went wide, his belly feeling as though it was filling even more somehow. He groaned as he lost himself, dissolving in the pleasure, pressure, and squirming movements inside him. There was a thudding noise of the front door banging open, causing Matthew to blink as Harrison went tense behind him. Without warning, Harrison shoved Matthew into the laundry room nearby, shutting the door. Matthew gripped the washing machine to support his weak knees as his bare belly pressed against the cool metal. He tried to catch his breath as his eyes adjusted to the abrupt darkness of the small room. He heard the sound of several pairs of clumsy feet trampling into the kitchen, and then the voices of his siblings as Harrison greeted them.

Fast thinking, Matthew mused.


Weeks passed.

Matthew was hungry every moment of every day, even when he was sleeping — even in his dreams. He couldn’t stop thinking about food and he couldn’t seem to stop eating.

Eating, and swelling, and filling his body. Filling so much. He was growing faster than seemed humanly possible. Pregnancies weren’t supposed to progress this quickly. Matthew already looked as if he was due with child—maybe overdue if he was being honest with himself. His belly jutted out harshly on his narrow frame, and he was even waddling.

“So what do you do with the 7?” Matthew asked Kimberly as he pointed at the equation in her notebook that lay across the living room coffee table.

Matthew routinely helped his sister with her homework, but it was getting admittedly difficult for him to solve even third grade math equations given his now-constant state of discomfort and distraction.

Brian and Hannah were playing video games on the sofa, for once not staring at him. All three of Matthew's siblings were entirely confused about his condition. Matthew just kept pushing the narrative that he had “gained weight.” His constant binge eating seemed to corroborate this, at least.

“I…add it to the 2?” Kimberly guessed.

“Exactly. Great job!” He gave her a high five. “I’m gonna run to the bathroom. Be right back,” Matthew added as he heaved himself up, with effort.

In the bathroom he emptied his compressed bladder for what had to be the fifteenth time that day. After washing his hands, Matthew took a few moments to breathe deeply. He splashed his face with some cool water.

Matthew leaned back on the wall just to take some of the weight off his back. He groaned and fidgeted, his hands rubbing up and down his swollen abdomen. It lurched and gurgled, prodding movements assaulting him in various directions. As though he was incubating something with twelve limbs rather than four.

The plump hills on his chest had only increased in size over the weeks. Now he had a certifiable pair of breasts heaving there. It was just trippy.

Matthew grunted as he suffered a particularly strong spasm of movement. He desperately wanted this to be over, but he only seemed to be growing larger.



Amara Rose

Good lord the emphasis on the stuffing is 11/10, same with the growth..!