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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Several months passed.

On a typical afternoon, Janet would find herself slumped on her couch, groaning lethargically between bouts of heavy breathing. Her television was playing the local news — it was the only station that still worked.

Janet was wearing some sweatpants that were skin-tight against her plump backside and her thick thighs. She also had a worn tank top stretched over her chest, though it only pulled down a few inches past her nipples.

She was huge. Her belly was a fat, pillowy mass perched heavily on her lap, squashing her spread thighs and outspanning the rest of her body. It completely dominated her, at least as large as she was by that point. It was not perfectly round, instead misshapen in places as it heaved and lurched. It emitted an endless stream of whines and gurgles, always at work digesting the surplus of input.

Shelved atop her belly so high that they were squishing against her chin was a pair of fat breasts that were bigger than basketballs though resembled tears in shape. Golf ball-sized nipples seeped even then as Janet sat moaning and squirming, her chubby hands clutching at her milk-swollen masses.

A loud belch came up her throat. She was continually gassy from all her constant feeding.

Bills and eviction notices were piled high on her coffee table. The place as a whole was a disaster, with dirty dishes, clothes, papers, and fast food containers littering the small living room.

Mobility was getting increasingly difficult for Janet, and in consequence, so was cleaning and general upkeep of her home. Not that she cared much. All her time spent plopped on her ass just gave her more time to suckle from her breasts.

Janet still hadn’t been able to find a new job. She couldn’t say that she had been trying too hard. Sometimes she went online on her phone and tried to fumble her way through an online application or two, but she usually got distracted before finishing. Her milk was a true addiction and Janet couldn’t last more than a few minutes before wanting more of it. She needed it constantly.

Janet liked to spend her afternoons on the couch dozing in and out of consciousness, her hands massaging her lurching stomach, and often she would suckle herself in her sleep.

She snapped awake with another belch, then blinked around, yawning as she wiped her eyes on the back of her hand. Suddenly in the mood for a big bowl of cereal, Janet thought it might be worth it to get up.

She planted her feet firmly on the dingy carpet while gripping the arm of the couch with her hand. Her free arm curled around what it could of her belly as she slowly shifted her ass to the edge of the cushion. With a groan, she pushed and heaved her shuddering body. She gained her footing with a whine and a fart, then quickly gripped onto the walker she had snagged at a neighbor’s garage sale thirty pounds ago.

Janet gasped for breath, face flushed as she adjusted to the weight of her packed flesh extending in front of her, warm, wobbly, and full of heat. The thought of the sugary cereal waiting for her had her licking her lips. She gingerly started to waddle towards the kitchen, when the doorbell rang.

Janet paused, puzzled.

She didn’t get many visitors. Well, any at all, really. Her family lived several states over, and all her work friends wanted nothing to do with her. She had maintained a couple of acquaintances over the years, but they didn’t know where she lived.

Curiosity piqued, she turned towards the front door. She shuffled steadily over, the doorbell ringing several more times in quick succession.

Janet had to press her belly against the door to peek through the high window, the pressure causing another loud burp to erupt from throat. She stared at who she saw. Then she stepped back and opened the door.

Errrrupp— Mary?” Janet covered her mouth belatedly as her gut rumbled with more gas bubbles.

Mary let herself inside, her gaze trailing up and down Janet’s plump body. “Sorry to show up like this, I just — I’ve been craving it. It’s been getting so hard and I—I needed to see you.” Mary bit her bottom lip, her bright eyes glued to Janet’s bulging nipples.

Janet blinked several times but slowly nodded in understanding. “I get it.” She took a deep breath. “Um…why don’t you just…” She motioned for Mary to come closer.

It seemed so crazy and random to pull Mary into her arms. The pressure on Janet’s gut left her belching and farting, but Mary didn’t even seem to notice as she pushed up Janet’s top with shaking fingers and started to drink, desperately. She squeezed and sucked, Janet’s eyelids fluttering. The two stumbled to the couch and Mary drank for hours as Janet groaned in pleasure.

“You should just stay with me,” Janet whispered late in the night, looking delirious with pleasure. She was snuggled against Janet belly and cleavage.

Janet reached down to wipe a stray droplet of milk from Mary’s lips. “Seriously?” she whispered.

“Yeah, it looks…well, it looks like you’re not doing well here,” Mary said as she gave an uncomfortable look around Janet’s messy apartment. “My place is huge. You should just stay there until you’re back on your feet.”

Janet could not bring herself to disagree.




Any chance prompts can be given a brief 1 sentence description? It be a huge help as there is just so many.